Tablo is a lightweight Django application that creates a interface layer for interacting with spatial data stored within a PostGIS database.
The main goal of Tablo is to allow us to store data in a PostGIS database and be able to access it in the same way we access ArcGIS feature services.
We wanted to be able to query the data in the PostGIS database using a REST endpoint similar to this:
localhost:8383/tablo/arcgis/rest/services/905/FeatureServer/0/query?f=json &returnGeometry=true&spatialRel=esriSpatialRelIntersects &geometry={"xmin":-13697515.468700845,"ymin":5662246.477956772, "xmax":-13619243.951736793,"ymax":5740517.994920822, "spatialReference":{"wkid":3857}} &geometryType=esriGeometryEnvelope&inSR=3857&outFields=*&outSR=3857
This allows us to take a CSV file like this:
Team Name Name of the Stream Longitude Latitude Temperature Reading Fun Team Columbia 'D' River -122.2345 45.5483 60 Fun Team 2 Columbia River -122.2869 45.5429 60 Fun Team Columbia River -122.4224 45.5655 65 Portlandias Johnson Creek -122.5849 45.4606 59 Portlandias Johnson Creek -122.5986 45.4551 61
And turn it into a map like this:
Full documentation available here.