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Matrix and Discord bridge care and feeding

Máirín Duffy edited this page Jan 30, 2024 · 5 revisions

Sometimes the Matrix and Discord bridge breaks. It happens. Here's how to fix it.

Pre-requisite: You will need admin privileges on both the Discord and Matrix sides of each equation.

Warning: Yes, it is possible to cross the wires and bridge channel A on one chat system to channel B on the other chat system. Don't ask me how I know 🤦🏻‍♀️ So be careful about how you do your copy/paste here.

The !discord bridge command has two numbers following it. The first number is the "guild" number - that's the general Podman discord server ID. The second number is the channel number. That's the number for the specific channel. Where do these come from? I log into, go into the channel of interest, and copy/paste the numbers from the url. E.g., #podman has this URL in the browser:

The first number is guild, second is channel. Not too crazy.

The bot creating the bridge is on the Matrix side. Its id is Sometimes it's slow to respond so be patient. I know it's easy to say and not to do. Sometimes it just won't respond. In those instances, I remove the bot from the channel (Matrix side), then re-invite it. Then try again.


matrix side


!discord bridge 852634929845239818 1085121643782873118

discord side

!matrix approve


matrix side


!discord bridge 852634929845239818 1151903904804634744

discord side

!matrix approve


matrix side


!discord bridge 852634929845239818 852634929845239824

discord side

!matrix approve

Drafted by Máirín Duffy (@mairin) 30 Jan 2024