Support for creating a Type Library of custom Structures
In v3.0, we ask that you mark the assembly containing your custom structures with TypeLibrary() attribute.
The Encoder/Decoder will discover these custom structures and be able to read and write these structures with the server.
using System;
using Workstation.ServiceModel.Ua;
[assembly: TypeLibrary()]
namespace CustomTypeLibrary
public class CustomVector : Structure
public double X { get; set; }
public double Y { get; set; }
public double Z { get; set; }
public override void Encode(IEncoder encoder)
encoder.WriteDouble("X", X);
encoder.WriteDouble("Y", Y);
encoder.WriteDouble("Z", Z);
public override void Decode(IDecoder decoder)
X = decoder.ReadDouble("X");
Y = decoder.ReadDouble("Y");
Z = decoder.ReadDouble("Z");