Simple http server and client example using cpprestsdk
Projects: lib: A few useful functions nsv_service: library of the REST service nsv_service_runner: command line executable for nsv_service unit_tests: unit tests web_app: web application that connects to a nsv_service and displays results
Setting up environment
Setup MongoDB
Create the directory tree C:\data\db and C:\data\log
Start the server mongod.exe
Open mongo terminal and load the file dbscript.txt
Default port is 27017
Setup Dev environment notes
Following nuget packages are needed for the solution
cpprestsdk (casablanca)
boost (headers)
boost-vc141 (build for vc++2017)
Setup mongo-cxx-driver
Download mongo-c-driver, build and install it
First build libbson project inside mongo-c-driver src directory and then mongo-c-driver
Download boost libraries (no need to compile)
Build mongo-cxx-driver using the directories generated in the installation of the previous steps (libbson, mongo-c-driver and boost)
Configure "Additional Include Directories" and "Additional Library Directories" in Visual Studio
Add mongocxx.lib and bsoncxx.lib to your library dependencies
Copy DLLs into vs debug folder or release folder (you can setup a postbuild rule for this)
Setup wt 4.0.2
The easiest way is installing the precompiled binaries and configure paths in the proyect "web_app"
Default root paths for compilation and installation directories:
Boost : "C:\boost\boost_1_66_0"
BSON : "C:\libbson"
MongoC : "C:\mongo-c-driver"
MongoCXX : "C:\mongo-cxx-driver"
Wt : "C:\Wt 4.0.2 msvs2017 x86"
DLL binaries
Place external dlls under external_dlls folder