Based on desings from Dropbox
Suitable for syncing text files and not large (<10MB) binary files.
- Garbage collection for client
- Tests!
- Need to generalise, now it’s too specific to our case
- Improve DevEx for external developers
- Read only files
- Export metrics
- Security audit and hardening
- Support of symlinks
- Hidden files
Start server:
cargo run
Start clients (specify directory to sync, db location, server address and JWT):
cargo run --bin client ../tmp ./db/client.sqlite3 http://localhost:8000 eyXX.XXX.XXX
Test JWT can be generated on using default values and specifying your-256-bit-secret
to be secret
and payload in this way (exp is timestamp in seconds for token expiration and uid is user ID):
"uid": 100,
"exp": 1720260223