This is the source code for Complete News/Blog API using NodeJS (Express), MongoDB with Swagger - Part 1 of my Complete MERN Stack video tutorial. Click here to check it out.
In this repo, we develop the REST API with the following features:
- Authentication and authorization using PassportJS and JWT
- Model validations using express-validator
- Data modeling and schema construction using Mongoose
- Categories, stories, videos and comments CRUD and authorized or protected routes
- Swagger documentation with authentication and image uploading using swagger-autogen
- Emails sending, data pagination, rate limiting, and image uploading.
In the four-part tutorial series, we will develop end-to-end news or blog application comprising of a REST API, an Admin panel, a frontend website, and Android and iOS mobile applications using NodeJS, Express, MongoDB, ReactJS and React Native as follows:
- Part 1: Complete News/Blog API using NodeJS (Express), MongoDB with Swagger (this repo)
- Part 2: Develop a complete Admin Dashboard for News and Blog Site using ReactJS and Ant Design (coming soon)
- Part 3: Develop a complete News and Blog Mobile App for Android and iOS using React Native, UI Kitten, and Expo (coming soon)
- Part 4: Develop a complete News and Blog Website using ReactJS and Bootstrap (coming soon)
- Read the blog post here: Complete News/Blog API using NodeJS (Express), MongoDB with Swagger
For development, you will need Node.js, MongoDb, Yarn or NPM installed in your development machine
# clone it
git clone
cd ExpressNewsApi
# Make it your own
rm -rf .git && git init && npm init
# Install dependencies using Yarn
# Start development server & swagger
yarn start-gendoc