This is the source code for "How to Create React Native (UI Kitten) Drawer and Bottom Tabs Navigation using React Navigation 5." Click here to check it out.
A couple of days ago I Googled around to find a quick tutorial on how to make a drawer and bottom tabs navigation like the Twitter App using React Native, Expo and UI Kitten but couldn’t find an up-to-date tutorial. So this is the source code for the tutorial where I show you how to quickly make a mobile app navigation with drawer and bottom tabs similar to the Twitter app.
- Read the blog post here: How to Create React Native (UI Kitten) Drawer and Bottom Tabs Navigation using React Navigation 5
For development, you will need Node.js, Yarn or NPM installed in your development machine
# clone it
git clone
cd ui-kitten-nav
# Make it your own
rm -rf .git && git init && npm init
# Install dependencies using Yarn
# Start app
expo start