The Solution displays the real time news to the users with extensive analysis report of the news in addition to other services.
-What we created? -Our Intuitive System calculates the Confidence level,Sentiment,Emotions like Angry,Happy,Sure etc. -In addition to this ,the relative articles are also fetched and displayed alongside.
- A Chrome Extension that determines a Clickbait Article and eliminates it from the search results to improve the user experience.
- Summary Generator which reads the news to users (beta)
- Personalised Localised News Delivery (Regional Languages)
Users who want to read the whole article, or just the trending headline, or a short >line summary of the entire news.
Customer Acquisition Strategy Letting the Product Show its Way By Networking Through Advertising
- Kiran Varghese (@kirantechnicals)
- Mohammed Farhan (@farhankn)
- Nadish Shajahan (@nadishs)
- S Vaisakh (@vaisakhsasikumar)
Dillinger uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
- [Python Django] - Python Framework!
- [Atom Editor] - awesome web-based text editor
- [Git] - Markdown parser done right. Fast and easy to extend.
- Twitter Bootstrap - great UI boilerplate for modern web apps
- [AYLIEN Intelligence] - AYLIEN Text Analysis API is a package of Natural Language Processing, Information Retrieval and Machine Learning tools for extracting meaning and insight from textual and visual content with ease.
- jQuery - A Lightweight Javascript Framework
Free Software, Hell Yeah!