Node.js Client Library for SynapseFI REST V3.1 API
Please refer to and our API documentation for examples.
npm install synapsenode
To update to the most recent version of synapsenode
npm update synapsenode
Require and configure dotenv:
Create a .env file at the root directory and add the following variables to it:
Initialize new Client:
const Synapse = require('synapsenode');
const Client = Synapse.Client;
const client = new Client({
client_id: process.env.CLIENT_ID,
client_secret: process.env.CLIENT_SECRET,
fingerprint: process.env.FINGERPRINT,
ip_address: '<ip_address>',
// isProduction boolean determines if production (true) or sandbox (false) endpoint is used
isProduction: false
Run the following command from the root package directory after the .env file is set up and '<OBJ_ID>' values are replaced in the test files:
npm test