Udacity iOS Developers Nanodegree -- Geo Quiz app
This is the Geo Quiz app in the Udacity iOS Developer Nanodegree. Being the first app in the course it is fairly basic playing a recorded message in a certain language then displaying flags to the user so they can guess the correct language.
- AVSpeechSynthesizer -- Used to synthesize the voice for multi language recordings
- AVFoundation -- Used to play the synthesized voice to the user
- Tableviews -- Used to display the flags that the user gets to choose from
- MVC design -- Keep code simple ;)
Set for a minimum deployment target of iOS 9.
Download the source from the repo and run the app in xcode, all frameworks used are standard to iOS so xcode will build correctly
- creating a recording based on language and text
- play recording using AVFoundation
- allow user to guess using Tableviews and flags
- show an alert if the user is right or wrong
Geo Quiz is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.