Udacity iOS Developers Nanodegree -- Pitch Prefect app
This app is SpiritDevs take on the Udacity iOS Developer Nanodegree Pitch Perfect app which records the users voice and plays it back in a variety of different effects. It allows user to share there creations, save them for later and edit them if they need to be changed.
In the designing of this Pitch Perfect app SpiritDevs decided to take a different direction in the UI/UX design and created an app with animations and effects layered on top of the basic Udacity app functionallity.
- NSDocuments -- Used to save the sound files recorded by the user
- NSUserDefaults -- Used to store links to the recorded files
- AVFoundation -- Used to record the users voice and play it back wih effects
- Tableviews -- Used to display saved recordings to the user
- MVC design -- Keep code simple ;)
Set for a minimum deployment target of iOS 9.
Download the source from the repo and run the app in xcode, all frameworks used are standard to iOS so xcode will build correctly
- creating a recording
- layer effects on the recording
- saving that recording
- sharing that recording
- your recording in a table view
MemeMe is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.