All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
5.2.1 (2018-09-06)
5.2.0 (2018-06-21)
5.1.1 (2018-06-19)
5.1.0 (2018-06-10)
5.0.0 (2018-04-06)
5.0.0-1 (2018-03-07)
5.0.0-0 (2018-03-06)
- support webpack4 (98b0ddc)
4.0.0 (2018-03-06)
- support webpack4 (98b0ddc)
4.0.0-1 (2018-03-02)
4.0.0-0 (2018-02-24)
3.5.0 (2018-02-24)
3.4.1 (2017-12-01)
- use proper compiler variable (e30023d)
3.4.0 (2017-11-18)
3.4.0-0 (2017-11-17)
3.3.0 (2017-11-01)
- performance issue on case-insensitive file systems #507 (fc04d29)
- use enhancedResolve to resolve babel-core (9f7e978)
3.2.3 (2017-08-14)
- checker: pass through execArgv to checker child process (#479) (5c7b0de)
- delay sending diagnotics request (90022ae)
3.2.2 (2017-07-26)
3.2.1 (2017-06-28)
- speedup caching by pre-hashing cacheIdentifier (589683f)
3.2.0 (2017-06-28)
- paths-plugin: properly skip .d.ts files (f14eaab)
- don't kill the loader when compilation.bail = true (#448) (3d8f91a)
- environment cache invalidation (#449) (c073af1)
3.2.0-rc.0 (2017-06-16)
3.1.3 (2017-04-28)
3.1.2 (2017-03-07)
- properly handle declarationDir (0742e1a)
3.1.1 (2017-03-07)
- proper check for fileName (399167f)
3.1.0 (2017-03-07)
- always output unix-like path (905e14b)
- support declarationDir (4b6459c)
3.0.8 (2017-02-26)
- don't add
to files (70d9f40)
3.0.7 (2017-02-22)
3.0.6 (2017-02-22)
3.0.5 (2017-02-22)
3.0.4 (2017-02-16)
3.0.4-rc.2 (2017-02-11)
3.0.4-rc.1 (2017-02-11)
3.0.4-rc.0 (2017-02-09)
3.0.3 (2017-02-06)
- allow to pass
to PathPlugin, basic tests (207b164)
3.0.2 (2017-02-05)
3.0.1 (2017-02-05)
3.0.0 (2017-02-05)
- get options from
3.0.0-beta.20 (2017-02-05)
3.0.0-beta.19 (2017-02-04)
- undefined error on result.deps (ef56f36)
3.0.0-beta.18 (2017-01-10)
- correcting references to typescriptService.d.ts (8b5413d)
- forgot to remove stale reference from tests (aef976f)
- typo in package.json file (760e26b)
3.0.0-beta.17 (2016-12-14)
3.0.0-beta.16 (2016-12-14)
- ts namespace (84640b0)
2.2.4 (2016-09-07)
2.2.3 (2016-09-06)
2.2.2 (2016-09-06)
2.2.1 (2016-08-15)
- don't concat paths that already absolute (069e493)
2.2.0 (2016-08-15)
2.1.1 (2016-07-25)
- resolve dependencies for
entries (b70a81c)
2.0.1 (2016-07-08)
- guard for 1.8.10 (1d1867b)
- minor paths-plugin fix (230780a)
- node 0.12.x (ec07d17)
- process watch files with
(79b72f1) - proper module resolution for .d.ts files (36b412c)
- rename ts -> tsImpl, refs #156 (d8f24a1)
- search all nodes for modules (can be optimized) (b3a9218)
- watch files on Windows (normalize) (75b41d7)
- exclude test (3d24ccd)
- fixed module resolution; add
option support (e5ff563) - initial impl of PathsPlugin, refs #156 (6401a94)
- more options, better error messages from ts (e4498df)
- no more async, simplify module resolution (87f096e)
- resolve type reference directives (799b17c)
- rework path normalization for new TS (f6dcc22)
- support
preventive resolution (6916c8f) - use TS's preProcessFile to extract deps, refs #168 (96fba97)
2.0.0 (2016-07-07)
- guard for 1.8.10 (1d1867b)
- minor paths-plugin fix (230780a)
- process watch files with
(79b72f1) - proper module resolution for .d.ts files (36b412c)
- rename ts -> tsImpl, refs #156 (d8f24a1)
- search all nodes for modules (can be optimized) (b3a9218)
- watch files on Windows (normalize) (75b41d7)
- fixed module resolution; add
option support (e5ff563) - initial impl of PathsPlugin, refs #156 (6401a94)
- more options, better error messages from ts (e4498df)
- no more async, simplify module resolution (87f096e)
- resolve type reference directives (799b17c)
- rework path normalization for new TS (f6dcc22)
- support
preventive resolution (6916c8f) - use TS's preProcessFile to extract deps, refs #168 (96fba97)
2.0.0-rc.18 (2016-06-29)
- minor paths-plugin fix (5649e12)
2.0.0-rc.17 (2016-06-27)
2.0.0-rc.16 (2016-06-25)
2.0.0-rc.15 (2016-06-25)
2.0.0-rc.14 (2016-06-25)
- support
preventive resolution (a74441f)
2.0.0-rc.13 (2016-06-24)
- watch files on Windows (normalize) (3e8f324)
2.0.0-rc.12 (2016-06-23)
- process watch files with
2.0.0-rc.11 (2016-06-23)
- rework path normalization for new TS (76ada5d)
2.0.0-rc.10 (2016-06-21)
- guard for 1.8.10 (27c3fde)
2.0.0-rc.9 (2016-06-21)
2.0.0-rc.8 (2016-06-21)
- resolve type reference directives (27b4f9f)
2.0.0-rc.7 (2016-06-21)
2.0.0-rc.6 (2016-06-20)
2.0.0-rc.5 (2016-06-20)
- search all nodes for modules (can be optimized) (dacee2d)
2.0.0-rc.4 (2016-06-20)
- proper module resolution for .d.ts files (9752d72)
2.0.0-rc.3 (2016-06-20)
2.0.0-rc.2 (2016-06-20)
2.0.0-rc.1 (2016-06-20)
2.0.0-rc.0 (2016-06-20)
- fixed module resolution; add
option support (6fe51a9) - no more async, simplify module resolution (a8e867e)
1.1.1 (2016-06-16)
- downgrade strip-bom (1e18134)
1.1.0 (2016-06-16)
1.0.0 (2016-06-10)
- update deps (635c9d3)
<a name"0.19.1">
- *: check if module is internal before processing it (c2e2cc29)
<a name"0.19.0">
<a name"0.18.0">
- *:
- cache: deprecation warning (c56fe459)
<a name"0.18.0-rc.0">
- *: speed-up compilation of dynamic requires + total speedup (d3d740b5)
<a name"0.17.0">
<a name"0.17.0-rc.7">
- *: update compilation process, fix sourceMap bug, refs #125 (73f575d0)
<a name"0.17.0-rc.6">
- *: add option to disable .d.ts files typechecks (519c5543)
<a name"0.17.0-rc.5">
- *: bind resolver to original context for webpack2 (f5105f6b)
<a name"0.17.0-rc.4">
- *: patch resolver for webpack2 (60ca7777)
<a name"0.17.0-rc.3">
- *: latest ts nightlies (0d9e687e)
- *:
<a name"0.17.0-rc.2">
- *: update resolver to work with webpack2, refs #109 (680d036a)
<a name"0.17.0-rc.1">
- *: exclude noEmit option (090f26aa)
<a name"0.17.0-rc.0">
<a name"0.16.2">
- *:
<a name"0.16.1">
<a name"0.16.0">
<a name"0.16.0-rc.0">
- instance: fix error message about babel (bd1e0b08)
- *:
<a name"0.15.10">
- *:
- checker-runtime: fix SyncResolver type (b55af480)
- deps:
- host:
- index: use instance.options to invoke externals (1715bee8)
- *:
- use only .d.ts files from tsconfig.json (baa4d4e9)
- debounce running checker (938fc968)
- add glob warning (0cb62506)
- add sourceRoot support (bddf79cb)
- use another preset for babel to work on prev node versions (5c7972d4)
- return webpack pre-resolution (19c559a9)
- refactor tsconfig parser (b2f414f1)
- async refactor (9831bdcc)
- checker-runtime: checker now can resolve imports too (99220c1f)
- tests: create a basic test for the loader (9aed17f4)
<a name"0.15.9">
- deps: don't resolve symlinks to all .d.ts files (a23d4bf4)
<a name"0.15.8">
- index: use instance.options to invoke externals (1715bee8)
<a name"0.15.7">
<a name"0.15.6">
- *: exclude package.json files from program (d8546dc1)
<a name"0.15.5">
- host: add ad-hoc files lookup to support
scenario (b768c243)
<a name"0.15.4">
- *: add glob warning (0cb62506)
<a name"0.15.3">
- checker-runtime: fix SyncResolver type (b55af480)
- checker-runtime: checker now can resolve imports too (99220c1f)
<a name"0.15.2">
- deps: fix path respolution for angular-style file names (b43e2d8f)
- *: add sourceRoot support (bddf79cb)
<a name"0.15.1">
- *: fix program update issue (a606ed89)
<a name"0.15.0">
<a name"0.15.0-rc.2">
- *: use another preset for babel to work on prev node versions (5c7972d4)
<a name"0.15.0-rc.1">
<a name"0.15.0-rc.0">
- host: import path (478553a7)
- *:
<a name"0.14.1">
- *:
- index:
- *:
- bump dev typescript (b29a73d7)
- bump typescript (b2115448)
- remove outdated examples; we need tests instead (26ef32ea)
- update module resolution logic according to (59ff7f77)
- checker in sep. process now runs only with ForkCheckerPlugin (85e9e1bc)
- pass resolution info into the checker (266ec78e)
- implement node-style module resolution (77a67df8)
- read
files fromtsconfig.json
(d4025d30) - implement file cache (358441a8)
- ignore null source maps (42433c9b)
- learn loader to pick-up precompiled files if any (71935896)
- support the new libs path (c224f05d)
- externals is an array now (69cadb52)
- rewriteImports is an array now (8f7f4555)
- use a compiler from a client app (cae4d00f)
- add alias example (ca86fd71)
- now we can start ckecker in a separate process (2cdb8f4b)
- impl JSX support (849e506b)
- cache: use sha512 (48692dd2)
- checker: fix compiler reference (8dcad5d2)
- runtime: add require signature for AMD (970ff875)
<a name"0.14.0">
- *:
- remove outdated examples; we need tests instead (26ef32ea)
- update module resolution logic according to (59ff7f77)
<a name"0.14.0-rc.1">
- cache: use sha512 (48692dd2)
<a name"0.14.0-rc.0">
- *: checker in sep. process now runs only with ForkCheckerPlugin (85e9e1bc)
<a name"0.13.1">
- *: pass resolution info into the checker (266ec78e)
<a name"0.12.0">
- *: read
files fromtsconfig.json
<a name"0.12.0-rc.2">
- *: implement file cache (358441a8)
<a name"0.12.0-rc.1">
- *: ignore null source maps (42433c9b)
<a name"0.12.0-rc.0">
- *: learn loader to pick-up precompiled files if any (71935896)
<a name"0.11.3">
- index: correct work with a promise chain (c20d684c)
<a name"0.11.2">
- index: use try-catch instead of if when resolving lib files (946fc850)
<a name"0.11.1">
<a name"0.11.0">
- *: support the new libs path (c224f05d)
<a name"0.11.0-rc.0">
- *: externals is an array now (69cadb52)
<a name"0.9.1">
- checker: fix compiler reference (8dcad5d2)
<a name"0.9.0">
- index: don't call the callback twice (3abf8e48)
- *: use a compiler from a client app (cae4d00f)
<a name"0.8.0">
<a name"0.7.1">
- *: fix unrecoverable error during watch (6f7ad270)
<a name"0.7.0">
<a name"0.5.4">
<a name"0.5.3">
- *: propper instance init (d681689d)
<a name"0.5.2">
- helpers: recompile files (78b13a14)
<a name"0.5.1">
- helpers: add +1 to line because they are zero-based in TS (76efd423)
<a name"0.5.0">
- *: play well with ExtractTextPlugin (33807f1b)
<a name"0.4.0">
- *:
<a name"0.3.1">
<a name"0.3.0">
- *: use new just-emit workflow; this must be much faster too (9d3a9961)