- Please don't fork, branch or create a pull request with this repository.
- Clone it and do your work there.
- When the task is ready, Email your solution back to us (Only first submit count unless otherwise directed).
Thank you for applying to Corva! We'd like to see how you can build out infrastructure and CI/CD.
Provided in src
is a "hello world" API app, written in Python, using the Flask framework.
All 3rd-party requirements for running the app are inside of the requirements.txt file. To run the file, simply run:
$ cd src
$ python -m flask
This will start a server at http://localhost:5000
Your goal is to set up this app so that it runs on AWS infrastructure. You can choose any appropriate AWS technology.
Your output for this step should be a single command that fully initializes and configures all required infrastructure.
If you would like, you can set up the infrastructure and provide a working link.
Your goal for this step is to set up an automated build and deployment pipeline. Please use a SaaS provider that has the ability to be configured entirely by file. TravisCI, CircleCI, or any other provider with a free tier.
The pipeline steps should be:
- Check out the repository
- Install any dependencies
- Run
- Deploy the code update to AWS
For extra credit, you can come up with a process to display the current version number (defined as the build number) as an HTTP header or within the JSON output.
Your deliverable here should be a configuration file that we could run. You can also share access to the SaaS to show us your own working pipeline.
Good luck!