Python module containing functionality for performing quantitative analysis of faulting. Current applications are in slip rate/history estimation and paleoseismology.
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import numpy as np
from culpable.magnitudes import (M_from_D, D_from_M, p_M_D, M_from_L, p_M_L,
p_M_DL, make_p_M)
from culpable.offset_marker import OffsetMarker
from culpable.stats import Pdf
Basic estimation of magnitude from rupture length
length_1 = 50.
M_from_L_est = M_from_L(length_1)
Now let's change the scaling relationship
M_from_L_reverse = M_from_L(length_1, ref='WC_1994_R')
# basic estimation of magnitude from displacement
disp_1 = 2.3
M_from_D_est = M_from_D(disp_1)
basic estimation of displacement from magnitude
mag_1 = 6.7
D_from_M_est = D_from_M(mag_1)
Now let's use our own scaling coefficients
D_from_M_new_scaling = D_from_M(mag_1, ref=None, a=5., b=1., base='10')
Note that these are all probabilistic, and the priors and posteriors are
classes made through the Pdf
function. This class has
several useful (necessary, even) attributes and methods. The class is
instantiated by passing x and p(x) values. The p(x) values are relative
probabilities, i.e. probability mass values. The resulting Pdf class will have
been converted to a probability distribution by normalizing by the integral of
the PMF.
disp_pdf = Pdf([1., 1.1, 1.3, 1.7, 2.1, 2.2], [0., 0.1, 0.5, 0.7, 0.3, 0.])
First, we need to make a prior for M, p(M)
M_prior = make_p_M(p_M_type='uniform', p_M_min=6.0, p_M_max=7.7,
Calculate p(M|D), the posterior probability of the magnitude given the displacement
p_M_D_est_1 = p_M_D(disp_1, p_M=M_prior)
Now the same but with a correction for paleoseismic sampling bias, i.e. that a paleoseismic measurement is proportionally more likely to be taken from a high displacement site vs. a low or average displacement site
p_M_D_est_2 = p_M_D(disp_1, p_M=M_prior, sample_bias_corr=True)
Now let's work with some uncertainty in the amount of displacement
disp_samples = np.random.uniform(1.7, 2.4, size=1000)
p_M_D_est_3 = p_M_D(disp_samples, p_M=M_prior, sample_bias_corr=True)
Here we do a Bayesian inversion for M given L with uncertainty
length_samples = np.random.normal(156, 15, size=1000)
p_M_L_est_1 = p_M_L(length_samples, p_M=M_prior)
Now we do an inversion considering both D and L
p_M_DL_est_1 = p_M_DL(disp_samples, length_samples, p_M=M_prior,