This is a sample application for getting started with Couchbase Server and the .Net SDK. The application runs a single page web UI for demonstrating SQL for Documents (N1QL), Sub-document requests and Full Text Search (FTS) querying capabilities. It uses Couchbase Server together with the [ASP] web framework for [.Net], Swagger for API documentation, Vue and Bootstrap.
The application is a flight planner that allows the user to search for and select a flight route (including the return flight) based on airports and dates. Airport selection is done dynamically using an autocomplete box bound to N1QL queries on the server side. After selecting a date, it then searches for applicable air flight routes from a previously populated database. An additional page allows users to search for Hotels using less structured keywords.
To download the application you can either download the archive or clone the repository:
git clone
We recommend running the application with Docker, which starts up all components for you, but you can also run it in a Mix-and-Match style, which we'll decribe below.
You will need Docker installed on your machine in order to run this application as we have defined a Dockerfile and a docker-compose.yml to run Couchbase Server 7.0.0, the front-end Vue app and the .NET REST API.
To launch the full application, simply run this command from a terminal:
docker-compose up
NOTE: You may need more than the default RAM to run the images. We have tested the travel-sample apps with 4.5 GB RAM configured in Docker's Preferences... -> Resources -> Memory. When you run the application for the first time, it will pull/build the relevant docker images, so it might take a bit of time.
This will start the .NET backend, Couchbase Server 7.0.0 and the Vue frontend app.
You can access the backend API on http://localhost:8080/, the UI on http://localhost:8081/ and Couchbase Server at http://localhost:8091/
❯ docker-compose up
Creating network "try-cb-dotnet_default" with the default driver
Creating couchbase-sandbox-7.0.0 ... done
Creating try-cb-api ... done
Creating try-cb-fe ... done
Attaching to couchbase-sandbox-7.0.0, try-cb-api, try-cb-fe
couchbase-sandbox-7.0.0 | Starting Couchbase Server -- Web UI available at http://<ip>:8091
couchbase-sandbox-7.0.0 | and logs available in /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/logs
couchbase-sandbox-7.0.0 | Configuring Couchbase Server. Please wait (~60 sec)...
couchbase-sandbox-7.0.0 | Configuration completed!
try-cb-api | wait-for-couchbase: checking http://db:8091/pools/default/buckets/travel-sample/
try-cb-api | wait-for-couchbase: polling for '.scopes | map(.name) | contains(["inventory", "
try-cb-api | wait-for-couchbase: checking http://db:8094/api/cfg
try-cb-api | wait-for-couchbase: polling for '.status == "ok"'
couchbase-sandbox-7.0.0 | Couchbase Admin UI: http://localhost:8091
couchbase-sandbox-7.0.0 | Login credentials: Administrator / password
try-cb-api | wait-for-couchbase: checking http://db:8094/api/index/hotels-index
try-cb-api | wait-for-couchbase: polling for '.status == "ok"'
try-cb-api | wait-for-couchbase: Failure
try-cb-api | wait-for-couchbase: Creating hotels-index...
try-cb-api | wait-for-couchbase: checking http://db:8094/api/index/hotels-index/count
try-cb-fe | wait-for-it: waiting for backend:8080 without a timeout
try-cb-api | wait-for-couchbase: polling for '.count >= 917'
try-cb-api | wait-for-couchbase: ...
try-cb-api | wait-for-couchbase: checking http://db:9102/api/v1/stats
try-cb-api | wait-for-couchbase: polling for '.indexer.indexer_state == "Active"'
try-cb-api | wait-for-couchbase: polling for '. | keys | contains(["travel-sample:def_airport
try-cb-api | wait-for-couchbase: polling for '. | del(.indexer) | del(.["travel-sample:def_na
try-cb-api | wait-for-couchbase: value is currently:
try-cb-api | false
try-cb-api | wait-for-couchbase: ...
try-cb-api | wait-for-couchbase: polling for '. | del(.indexer) | map(.num_pending_requests =
try-cb-api | warn: Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.Repositories.FileSystemXmlRepository[60]
try-cb-api | Storing keys in a directory '/root/.aspnet/DataProtection-Keys' that may not be persisted outside of the container. Protected data will be unavailable when container is destroyed.
try-cb-api | Hosting environment: Development
try-cb-api | Content root path: /app/try-cb-dotnet
try-cb-api | Now listening on: http://[::]:8080
try-cb-api | Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.
try-cb-fe | wait-for-it: backend:8080 is available after 96 seconds
try-cb-fe |
try-cb-fe | > try-cb-frontend-v2@0.1.0 serve
try-cb-fe | > vue-cli-service serve --port 8081
try-cb-fe |
try-cb-fe | App running at:
try-cb-fe | - Local: http://localhost:8081/
You should then be able to browse the UI, search for US airports and get flight route information.
To end the application press Control+C in the terminal and wait for docker-compose to gracefully stop your containers.
Instead of running all services, you can start any combination of backend
, db
via docker, and take responsibility for starting the other
services yourself.
As the provided docker-compose.yml
sets up dependencies between the services,
to make startup as smooth and automatic as possible, we also provide an
alternative mix-and-match.yml
. We'll look at a few useful scenarios here.
If you wish to run this application against your own configuration of Couchbase
Server, you will need version 7.0.0 or later with the travel-sample
bucket setup.
NOTE: if you are not using Docker to start up the API server, or the provided wrapper
, you will need to create a full text search index on travel-sample bucket called 'hotels-index'. You can do this via the following command:
curl --fail -s -u <username>:<password> -X PUT \
http://<host>:8094/api/index/hotels-index \
-H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d @fts-hotels-index.json
With a running Couchbase Server, you can pass the database details in:
CB_HOST= CB_USER=Administrator CB_PSWD=password docker-compose -f mix-and-match.yml up backend frontend
The Docker image will run the same checks as usual, and also create the
if it does not already exist.
Instead of setting the CB_*
variables on the command-line, you can configure them within the ASP.NET configuration file
, modifying the environmentVariables
section clause, for example:
"environmentVariables": {
"ASPNETCORE_URLS": "http://+:8080",
"CB_HOST": "",
"CB_USER": "Administrator",
"CB_PSWD": "password"
You may want to run the .NET application yourself, to make rapid changes to it, and try out the features of the Couchbase API, without having to re-build the Docker image. You may still use Docker to run the Database and Frontend components if desired.
Simply run the project with:
dotnet run --project try-cb-dotnet/try-cb-dotnet.csproj
You may wish to take advantage of .NET's watch
command to restart the server as you make changes:
dotnet watch --project try-cb-dotnet/try-cb-dotnet.csproj run
You will have to point your application at the Couchbase server with the
environment variable.
The first time you run against a new database image, you may want to use the provided
wrapper to ensure that all indexes are created.
For example, using the Docker image provided:
docker-compose -f mix-and-match.yml up db
export CB_HOST=localhost
./ echo "Couchbase is ready!"
dotnet run --project try-cb-dotnet/try-cb-dotnet.csproj
If you already have an existing Couchbase server running and correctly configured, you might run:
CB_HOST= CB_USER=Administrator CB_PSWD=password dotnet run --project try-cb-dotnet/try-cb-dotnet.csproj
Finally, if you want to see how the sample frontend Vue application works with your changes, run it with:
docker-compose -f mix-and-match.yml up frontend
To run the frontend components manually without Docker, follow the guide here
All the travel-sample apps conform to the same interface, which means that they can all be used with the same database configuration and Vue.js frontend.
We've integrated Swagger/OpenApi version 3 documentation which can be accessed on the backend at http://localhost:8080/apidocs
once you have started the app.
(You can also view a read-only version at
To further ensure that every app conforms to the API, we have a test suite, which you can simply run with the command:
docker-compose --profile test up test
If you are running locally though, with a view to extending or modifying the travel-sample app, you will likely want to be able to make changes to both the code and the tests in parallel.
- Start the backend server locally, for example using "Running the Node.js API application manually" above.
- Check out the test suite repo in a separate working directory, and run the tests manually, as per the instructions.