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LInked data Fragment Tracking (LIFT): Extracting Basic Graph Patterns from Triple Pattern Fragment Logs

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LInked data Fragment Tracking (LIFT): Extracting Basic Graph Patterns from Triple Pattern Fragment Logs

LIFT experiments

LIFT experiments are available here, using as input:

(1) traces of queries in, each executed one by one, and,
(2) traces of DBpedia LDF server's real log, from USEWOD dataset, for the period of 14th October 2014-27th February 2015.

Install LIFT's dependencies

LIFT is implemented in Java 1.7 and known to run on Debian GNU/Linux and OS X. In order to install packages and dependencies related to LIFT, you need to execute This script will install:

  1. CouchDB: A Database for the Web

    Apache CouchDB is a document-oriented NoSQL database, which is implemented in the concurrency-oriented language Erlang and uses JSON to store data, JavaScript as its query language using MapReduce indexes, and regular HTTP 7 for an API.

    This DB system is used to store LIFT's input logs (from individual or federation of LDF servers).

  2. monetDB: The column-store pioneer

    MonetDB is a full-fledged relational column-oriented DBMS, that supports the SQL:2003 standard, provide client interfaces (e.g. ODBC and JDBC), as well as application programming interfaces for various languages (C, Python, Java, Ruby, Perl, and PHP).

    This is an alternative DB system used to store LIFT's input logs (from individual or federation of LDF servers).

How to use LIFT

  1. Capture traces of executed queries:

    Queries are evaluated over the Web application client, using the Google chrome navigator. The traces of executed queries are captured in "har" format using the Web inspector tool (More utils-> Developement Utils-> Network Traffic-> (Right clck) Save as har with Content).

  2. Save traces into a database:

    Traces are loaded into a DBMS of your choice, using $ java -jar "lift.jar" -[option] and arguments:

    --load or -l <path_to_trace>: for loading a trace into the DB

    --systemDB or -s <dbms_to_use>: for setting "couchDB" or "monetDB" system (by default "couchDB")

    --nameDB or -n <db_name>: with the DB name

    E.g., $ java -jar "lift.jar" -l ~/brad_pitt_traces.har -n "query1database"

  3. Run LIFT:

    LIFT is executed, using $ java -jar "lift.jar" -[option] and arguments:

    --gapWindow or -g <window_in_seconds>: for setting the maximum joinable window interval gap between two subqueries or triple patterns (by default 3600 seconds)

    --nameDB or -n <db_name>: with the DB name

    E.g., $ java -jar "lift.jar" -n "query1database" -g 360


  1. The DB storage system crashes, what to do?:

    (i) If you are using couchdb, run:

    linux: sudo service couchdb restart

    mac os:
    sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/couchdb.plist
    sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/couchdb.plist

    (ii) If you are using monetdb, run:

    linux: sudo service monetdb5-sql restart

    mac os:
    sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/monetdb5-sql.plist
    sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/monetdb5-sql.plist

    If the database still not responds, try to restart your computer. If this also do not do the job, reinstall the script "" for the corresponding DBMS.

    For both storage systems, do not install multiple versions, it may create collisions. For couchdb, use the same version than the script "" i.e., Apache-CouchDB-1.6.1.

  2. Why can not I load traces captured with other navigators, than Google Chrome?

    The problem is with the response encoding. Answers must be captured in ASCII and not Base64 format. There exist "decoding" plugins in other brownsers, but they can not be applied directly to the webinspector tool.

About and Contact

LIFT was developed at University of Nantes as an ongoing academic effort. You can contact the current maintainers by email at georges.nassopoulos[at]etu[dot]univ-nantes[dot]fr.


LInked data Fragment Tracking (LIFT): Extracting Basic Graph Patterns from Triple Pattern Fragment Logs






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