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Fix documentation for CRAN
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courtiol committed Nov 6, 2023
1 parent 5b21bb2 commit a9517f7
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Showing 15 changed files with 267 additions and 216 deletions.
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions DESCRIPTION
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@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
Package: timevarcorr
Title: Time Varying Correlation
Version: 0.1.0
Version: 0.1.1
c(person("Alexandre", "Courtiol", email = "", role = c("aut", "cre", "cph"), comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0003-0637-2959")),
person("François", "Rousset", role = "aut", comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0003-4670-0371")))
Computes how the correlation between 2 time-series changes over time.
To do so, the package performs a non-parametric kernel smoothing (using a common bandwidth) of all underlying components required for the computation of a correlation coefficient (i.e., x, y, x^2, y^2, xy).
To do so, the package follows the method from Choi & Shin (2021) <doi:10.1007/s42952-020-00073-6>.
It performs a non-parametric kernel smoothing (using a common bandwidth) of all underlying components required for the computation of a correlation coefficient (i.e., x, y, x^2, y^2, xy).
An automatic selection procedure for the bandwidth parameter is implemented.
Alternative kernels can be used (Epanechnikov, box and normal).
Both Pearson and Spearman correlation coefficients can be estimated and change in correlation over time can be tested.
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11 changes: 9 additions & 2 deletions
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@@ -1,7 +1,14 @@
# timevarcorr 0.1.1

New submission to CRAN after revisions.

* Add Choi & Shin (2021) in DESCRIPTION.
* Improve documentation (returns more detailed and use of LaTeX).

# timevarcorr 0.1.0

* Initial CRAN submission.
Initial CRAN submission (rejected).

# timevarcorr and earlier

* Prepare package for CRAN release.
Prepare package for CRAN release.
92 changes: 41 additions & 51 deletions R/CI.R
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@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
#' Internal functions for the computation of confidence intervals
#' These functions compute the different terms required to compute the confidence
#' interval around the time-varying correlation coefficient.
#' These functions compute the different terms required for [`tcor()`] to compute the confidence
#' interval around the time-varying correlation coefficient. These terms are defined in Choi & Shin (2021).
#' @seealso [`tcor`]
#' @seealso [`tcor()`]
#' @name CI
#' @references
Expand All @@ -13,6 +13,15 @@
#' Andrews, D. W. K. Heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation consistent covariance matrix estimation.
#' Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society, 817-858 (1991).
#' @return
#' - `calc_H()` returns a 5 x 5 x \eqn{t} array of elements of class numeric, which corresponds to \eqn{\hat{H_t}} in Choi & Shin (2021).
#' - `calc_e()` returns a \eqn{t} x 5 matrix of elements of class numeric storing the residuals, which corresponds to \eqn{\hat{e}_t} in Choi & Shin (2021).
#' - `calc_Gamma()` returns a 5 x 5 matrix of elements of class numeric, which corresponds to \eqn{\hat{\Gamma}_l} in Choi & Shin (2021).
#' - `calc_GammaINF()` returns a 5 x 5 matrix of elements of class numeric, which corresponds to \eqn{\hat{\Gamma}^\infty} in Choi & Shin (2021).
#' - `calc_L_And()` returns a scalar of class numeric, which corresponds to \eqn{L_{And}} in Choi & Shin (2021).
#' - `calc_D()` returns a \eqn{t} x 5 matrix of elements of class numeric storing the residuals, which corresponds to \eqn{D_t} in Choi & Shin (2021).
#' - `calc_SE()` returns a vector of length \eqn{t} of elements of class numeric, which corresponds to \eqn{se(\hat{\rho}_t(h))} in Choi & Shin (2021).
#' @examples
#' rho_obj <- with(na.omit(stockprice),
#' calc_rho(x = SP500, y = FTSE100, t = DateID, h = 20, kernel = "box"))
Expand All @@ -21,18 +30,16 @@

#' @describeIn CI Internal function computing the `$\hat{H_t}$` array.
#' @describeIn CI computes the \eqn{\hat{H_t}} array.
#' `$\hat{H_t}$` is a component needed to compute confidence intervals;
#' `$H_t$` is defined in eq. 6 from Choi & Shin, 2021.
#' The function returns a 5 x 5 x `t` array.
#' \eqn{\hat{H_t}} is a component needed to compute confidence intervals;
#' \eqn{H_t} is defined in eq. 6 from Choi & Shin (2021).
#' @export
#' @param smoothed_obj an object created with [`calc_rho`].
#' @examples
#' ## Computing `$\hat{H_t}$`
#' ## Computing \eqn{\hat{H_t}}
#' H <- calc_H(smoothed_obj = rho_obj)
#' H[, , 1:2] # H array for the first two time points
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -63,18 +70,15 @@ calc_H <- function(smoothed_obj) {

#' @describeIn CI Internal function computing `$\hat{e}_t$`.
#' @describeIn CI computes \eqn{\hat{e}_t}.
#' `$\hat{e}_t$` is a component needed to compute confidence intervals;
#' it is defined in eq. 9 from Choi & Shin, 2021.
#' The function returns a `t` x 5 matrix storing the residuals.
#' \eqn{\hat{e}_t} is defined in eq. 9 from Choi & Shin (2021).
#' @export
#' @param H an object created with [`calc_H`].
#' @param H an object created with `calc_H`.
#' @examples
#' ## Computing `$\hat{e}_t$`
#' ## Computing \eqn{\hat{e}_t}
#' e <- calc_e(smoothed_obj = rho_obj, H = H)
#' head(e) # e matrix for the first six time points
Expand All @@ -91,19 +95,16 @@ calc_e <- function(smoothed_obj, H) {

#' @describeIn CI Internal function computing `$\hat{\Gamma}_l$`.
#' @describeIn CI computes \eqn{\hat{\Gamma}_l}.
#' `$\hat{\Gamma}_l$` is a component needed to compute confidence intervals;
#' it is defined in eq. 9 from Choi & Shin, 2021.
#' The function returns a 5 x 5 matrix.
#' \eqn{\hat{\Gamma}_l} is defined in eq. 9 from Choi & Shin (2021).
#' @export
#' @param e an object created with [`calc_e`].
#' @param e an object created with `calc_e`.
#' @param l a scalar indicating a number of time points.
#' @examples
#' ## Computing `$\hat{\Gamma}_l$`
#' ## Computing \eqn{\hat{\Gamma}_l}
#' calc_Gamma(e = e, l = 3)
Expand All @@ -116,18 +117,15 @@ calc_Gamma <- function(e, l) {

#' @describeIn CI Internal function computing `$\hat{\Gamma}^\Inf$`.
#' @describeIn CI computes \eqn{\hat{\Gamma}^\infty}.
#' `$\hat{\Gamma}^\Inf$` is a component needed to compute confidence intervals (the long run variance estimator);
#' it is defined in eq. 9 from Choi & Shin, 2021.
#' The function returns a 5 x 5 matrix.
#' \eqn{\hat{\Gamma}^\infty} is the long run variance estimator, defined in eq. 9 from Choi & Shin (2021).
#' @export
#' @param L a scalar indicating a bandwidth parameter.
#' @examples
#' ## Computing `$\hat{\Gamma}^\Inf$`
#' ## Computing \eqn{\hat{\Gamma}^\infty}
#' calc_GammaINF(e = e, L = 2)
Expand All @@ -145,19 +143,16 @@ calc_GammaINF <- function(e, L) {

#' @describeIn CI Internal function computing `$L_{And}$`.
#' @describeIn CI computes \eqn{L_{And}}.
#' `$L_{And}$` is a component needed to compute confidence intervals;
#' it is defined in Choi & Shin, 2021, p 342.
#' It also corresponds to `$S_T^*$`, eq 5.3 in Andrews 1991.
#' The function returns a scalar which should be used as an input for `L` in [`calc_GammaINF`].
#' \eqn{L_{And}} is defined in Choi & Shin (2021, p 342).
#' It also corresponds to \eqn{S_T^*}, eq 5.3 in Andrews (1991).
#' @export
#' @param AR.method character string specifying the method to fit the autoregressive model used to compute `$\hat{\gamma}_1$` in `$L_{And}$` (see [`stats::ar`] for details).
#' @param AR.method character string specifying the method to fit the autoregressive model used to compute \eqn{\hat{\gamma}_1} in \eqn{L_{And}} (see [`stats::ar`] for details).
#' @examples
#' ## Computing `$L_{And}$`
#' ## Computing \eqn{L_{And}}
#' calc_L_And(e = e)
#' sapply(c("yule-walker", "burg", "ols", "mle", "yw"),
Expand All @@ -171,17 +166,14 @@ calc_L_And <- function(e, AR.method = c("yule-walker", "burg", "ols", "mle", "yw

#' @describeIn CI Internal function computing `$D_t$`.
#' @describeIn CI computes \eqn{D_t}.
#' `$D_t$` is a component needed to compute confidence intervals;
#' it is defined in Choi & Shin, 2021, p 338.
#' The function returns a `t` x 5 matrix storing the residuals.
#' \eqn{D_t} is defined in Choi & Shin (2021, p 338).
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Computing `$D_t$`
#' ## Computing \eqn{D_t}
#' D <- calc_D(smoothed_obj = rho_obj)
#' head(D) # D matrix for the first six time points
Expand All @@ -197,24 +189,22 @@ calc_D <- function(smoothed_obj) {

#' @describeIn CI Internal function computing `$se(\hat{rho}_t(h))$`.
#' @describeIn CI computes \eqn{se(\hat{\rho}_t(h))}.
#' The standard deviation of the time-varying correlation (`$se(\hat{rho}_t(h))$`) is defined in eq. 8 from Choi & Shin, 2021.
#' It depends on `$D_{Lt}$`, `$D_{Mt}$` & `$D_{Ut}$`, themselves defined in Choi & Shin, 2021, p 337 & 339.
#' The `$D_{Xt}$` terms are all computed within the function since they all rely on the same components.
#' The function returns a vector of length `t`.
#' The standard deviation of the time-varying correlation (\eqn{se(\hat{\rho}_t(h))}) is defined in eq. 8 from Choi & Shin (2021).
#' It depends on \eqn{D_{Lt}}, \eqn{D_{Mt}} & \eqn{D_{Ut}}, themselves defined in Choi & Shin (2021, p 337 & 339).
#' The \eqn{D_{Xt}} terms are all computed within the function since they all rely on the same components.
#' @export
#' @inheritParams kern_smooth
#' @examples
#' ## Computing \eqn{se(\hat{\rho}_t(h))}
#' # nb: takes a few seconds to run
#' run <- FALSE ## change to TRUE to run the example
#' if (in_pkgdown() || run) {
#' ## Computing `$se(\hat{rho}_t(h))$`
#' # nb: takes a few seconds to run
#' SE <- calc_SE(smoothed_obj = rho_obj, h = 50)
#' head(SE) # SE vector for the first six time points
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions R/data.R
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#' Daily Closing Prices of Major European Stock Indices, April 2000--December 2017
#' A dataset containing the stockmarket returns between 2000-04-03 and 2017-12-05.
#' This dataset is very close to the one used by Choi & Shin 2021, although not
#' This dataset is very close to the one used by Choi & Shin (2021), although not
#' strictly identical. It has been produced by the Oxford-Man Institute of Quantitative Finance.
#' @format A data frame with 4618 rows and 7 variables:
Expand All @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
#' \item{Nikkei}{a numeric vector of the stockmarket return for the Nikkei 225.}
#' \item{DAX}{a numeric vector of the stockmarket return for the German stock index.}
#' \item{NASDAQ}{a numeric vector of the stockmarket return for the Nasdaq Stock Market.}
#' \item{Event}{a character string of particular events that have impacted the stockmarket, as in Choi & Shin 2021.}
#' \item{Event}{a character string of particular events that have impacted the stockmarket, as in Choi & Shin (2021).}
#' }
#' @source
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions R/smoothers.R
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#' The function is essentially a wrapper that calls different underlying
#' functions depending on the kernel that is selected:
#' - [`lpridge::lpepa`] for "epanechnikov".
#' - [`stats::ksmooth`] for "normal" and "box".
#' - [`lpridge::lpepa()`] for "epanechnikov".
#' - [`stats::ksmooth()`] for "normal" and "box".
#' The argument `param_smoother` can be used to pass additional arguments to
#' these functions.
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