San Francisco Air Quality Index
With the recent wildfires and other contributing factors to global warming, I found myself spending a lot more time on places like I built this app with a curiosity on how our changing climate is affecting how we live in the bay area and California as a whole and to have a webpage run necessary information to me that would not tax a slow computer's CPU.
These events are not normal and I wanted to visualize it over the years as well as track live readings of San Francisco's AQI as provided by and their sensors across the city. Each Sensor has a different API endpoint that are utilized with a secret token as follows.${Sensor Location}`/?token={Unique Token ID}
The Following snippet shows how I was able to organize the buttons which allows users to view the chart based on the earliest recorded year for this sensor
const buttonCompare = (e, d) => {
const year = e.key
if (compare[year]) {
compare[year] = false;
} else {
compare[year] = e;
lines.attr("d", d => {
if (compare[d.key]) {
return line(d.values); // from handleclick
.attr("stroke", d => { return colors(d.key) });
const buttons ="h2")
.attr("type", "button")
.attr("class", "babyCloud")
.attr("value", d => { return d.key })
.sort((a, b) => { return a.key - b.key }) //buttons are ordered this way
.on("click", buttonCompare);
The following code shows some of the interactivity users have over the graph as they hover. Users will see the path of the dots through the year as well as the PM2.5 levels
const showLine = (e, selectedLine) => {
const hoveredYear = selectedLine.year.trim();
const pm25 = selectedLine.pm25;
lines.attr("d", d => {
if (hoveredYear === d.key) {
labels.attr("x", 12)
.text(d => { return (`PM25: ${pm25}`) })
.style("font-family", "Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, sans-serif")
.style("font-size", "15")
// .style("z-index", "10")
.style("opacity", "1") //need to make text appear OVER dots
("translate(" + x( + "," + y(selectedLine.pm25) + ")")
return line(d.values);
if (compare[d.key]) {
return line(d.values); // from handleclick
.attr("stroke", d => { return colors(d.key) })
const lines = svg.selectAll("lines")
.attr('opacity', '1')
.attr("stroke-width", 2)
.attr("fill", "none");
The functional components, now updated with async/await, and involved with making the live update are utilized as follows
const widget = () => (fetch(`${sensorSite}/?token=${token}`)
.then(res => (res.json()))
.then(res => {
if (res) {
for (let key in res) {
data[key] = res[key];
const aqi =;
let status = "";
let color = "";
let png = ""
if (aqi > 300) {
status = "Hazardous";
color ="brown";
png = "6"
} else if (aqi > 200) {
status = "Very Unhealthy";
color ="puple";
png = "5"
} else if (aqi > 151) {
status = "Unhealthy";
color = "red";
png = "4"
} else if (aqi > 100) {
status = "USG";
color = "orange";
png = "3"
} else if (aqi > 50) {
status = "Moderate";
color = "yellow";
png = "2"
} else {
status = "Good";
color = "greenyellow";
png = "1"
//assembles widget without jank or preloaded elements
//appends HTML elements to the DOM for efficient loading
img.src =`./assets/aqi/${png}.png`;
document.getElementById("aqi_widget").style.backgroundColor = color;
document.getElementById("aqi_widget").style.border = "1px black solid";
document.getElementById("title_conditions").innerHTML = "Conditions Today";
document.getElementById("status").innerHTML = status;
document.getElementById("aqi").innerHTML = aqi;
document.getElementById("sensor_site").innerHTML = "Sensor Location:";
document.getElementById("city").innerHTML =;
} else {
console.log("API limit exhausted");
.catch(err => {
Updated Version
const widget = async () => {
const response = await fetch(`${sensorSite}/?token=${token}`);
const res = await response.json();
const formCloud = () => {
if (res.status === 'ok') {
for (let key in res) {
data[key] = res[key];
const aqi =;
let status = "";
let color = "";
let png = ""
if (aqi > 300) {
status = "Hazardous";
color ="8D3D3C";
png = "6"
} else if (aqi > 200) {
status = "Very Unhealthy";
color ="A83E85";
png = "5"
} else if (aqi > 151) {
status = "Unhealthy";
color = "E52224";
png = "4"
} else if (aqi > 100) {
status = "USG";
color = "FA7430";
png = "3"
} else if (aqi > 50) {
status = "Moderate";
color = "FFDD3B";
png = "2"
} else {
status = "Good";
color = "D4E4F1";
png = "1"
//assembles widget without jank or preloaded elements
//appends HTML elements to the DOM for efficient loading
img.src =`./assets/aqi/${png}.png`;
document.getElementById("aqi_widget").style.backgroundColor = color;
document.getElementById("title_conditions").innerHTML = "Conditions Today";
document.getElementById("status").innerHTML = status;
document.getElementById("aqi").innerHTML = aqi;
document.getElementById("sensor_site").innerHTML = "Sensor Location:";
document.getElementById("city").innerHTML =;
document.getElementsByClassName('cloud')[0].style.boxShadow = '.8rem .8rem rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)';
} else {
console.log("API limit exhausted");
await formCloud();
"fetch" returns a promise that I can extract additonal data from including forecasts, current AQI and its associated information like ozone, PM2.5, PM10, bugs, and sensor location. I dynamically assembeled the functional widget entirely with CSS and promises. The application is able to call this function every 5 minutes and update without having to reload the widget or entire webpage.
const showLine = (e, selectedLine) => {
const hoveredYear = selectedLine.year.trim();
const pm25 = selectedLine.pm25;
lines.attr("d", d => {
if (hoveredYear === d.key) {
labels.attr("x", 12)
.text(d => { return (`Year: ${hoveredYear}`) })
.style("font-size", 15)
.attr('opacity', '1')
("translate(" + x( + "," + y(selectedLine.pm25) + ")")
return line(d.values);
if (compare[d.key]) {
return line(d.values); // from handleclick
.attr("stroke", d => { return colors(d.key) })
width: 33.85rem;
height: 15rem;
box-shadow: .8rem .8rem rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
border-radius: 9.25rem;
margin: 8rem;
.cloud::after, .cloud::before {
content: "";
position: relative;
display: inline-block;
background: inherit;
border-radius: inherit;
.cloud::after {
width: 12.25rem;
height: 12.25rem;
top: -6.75rem;
right: 10rem;
.cloud::before {
width: 15.25rem;
height: 15.25rem;
top: -5.7rem;
left: 13.5rem;
Shows how I was able to draw a cloud entirely from CSS and 1 div in HTML. The cloud carries another div that houses the content from the promises in "widget".
Future additions * AQI forecasts * Zooming in