Sample code from blog posts at
numbers-as-words Numbers to English words
printf-to-string printf() to a std::string
cpp-assert Writing assert() in C++
case-string String literals as switch/case labels
new-namespace Creating namespaces from namespaces
one-liner A handy C++ one-liner
any-vs-variant std::any vs. std::variant
primes-class A Prime Number calculator using a Template Class
expression-eval Evaluating expressions using Reverse Polish Notation
reference-classes Reference semantics for C++ classes
lock-streams Locking C++ streams for multi-threaded code
template-primer Templates in C++ primer
fold-expressions C++ folding expressions
kotlin-cpp Calling C++ code from Kotlin
cpp-ranges What future for C++? and also Modern C++ Ranges (TS/20/v3), STL 2.0 or hype?
cpp-lambdas C++ Lambdas Primer
coroutine C++ Coroutines Primer
source-location Modern C++ flow diagnostic tools
iterator C++ Iterators Primer
modern-visitor Visitor Pattern in Modern C++
deducing-this Applications of C++23's deducing 'this'
class-design A Modern C++ class designer's toolkit
generic-class Generic classes in Modern C++
serialization Designing Classes for Serialization
functional Applying Functional Programming Techniques to Modern C++
traitspolicy Designing Traits and Policy Classes
concepts Concepts 101
function-selection Selecting Functions at Compile Time
function-runtime Selecting Functions at Runtime
flat_map Exploring C++23's flat_map
lambdas-delayed Using Lambda Functions for Delayed Evaluation
regex-graphviz Uses of Parser Generators
faster-algorithms Making algorithms faster
concurrency C++ Concurrency 101
operator-overloading Operator Overloading in Modern C++
move-semantics Move Semantics in Modern C++