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Kaspar Schmid edited this page Apr 15, 2015 · 1 revision

After cloning the GIT repository you will have the following folders in the trunk folder:

  • IPL: Image Play Library. Contains all classes used for the image processing algorithms.
  • doc: additional .md files used by Doxygen to build the HTML docs.
  • include
  • src
  • ImagePlay: Image Play application. Contains all classes of the actual Qt application.
  • doc: additional .md files used by Doxygen to build the HTML docs.
  • include
  • media: additional files like example images and plugin development files which are copied to the release folder after linking.
  • res: icons and resources
  • src
  • ui
  • _lib: Submodule containing additional resources needed for building ImagePlay.
  • Main project for QtCreator. Use qmake -tp vc -r to generate a Visual Studio project.
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