Companion repository to CosmoWAP
MathWAP contains Mathematica notebooks that computes the fourier power spectrum and bispectrum including contributions (up to second order) from wide-separation (WS) and relatativistic (GR) efects as well as primoridal non-Gaussianity (PNG).
For full documnetation see Docs.
Defines redshift space kernels
See The_powerspectrum.nb: Main file used in computation exports terms into .json files
Pk_expansions.nb: Defines the wide angle and radial evolution series expansions for the power spectrum
Pkfuncsandrules.nb: Contains functions used in The_powerspectrum.nb (is messy and long - sorry i don't like mathematica)
See The_bispectrum.nb: Main file used in computation exports terms into .json files
expansions.nb: Defines the wide angle and radial evolution series expansions for the bispectrum
Bkfuncsandrules.nb: Contains functions used in The_bispectrum.nb (is messy and long - sorry i don't like mathematica)
Outputs are stored from mathematica in .json files in mathematica_expr - also read_mathematica.ipynb can be used for converting from mathematica to python formatting.
Terms for other kernels can also be provided or computed from the The_bispectrum.nb - format can also be flexible.
Based on work in arXiv:2407.00168
Also for PNG stuff please refer too: arXiv:24xx.xxxx