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AnnoLex is a collaborative data curation tool for textual data. Its correction screen provides the ability to suggest corrections, one word at a time, to a transcribed, lemmatized and morphosyntactically tagged text or corpus. It's review screen allows the same or different user to make a second pass through the corrections, approving or rejecting them. AnnoLex is built using the Django framework and stores its data in a MySQL database. Copyright (c) 2010, 2015 Craig A. Berry Released under the Artistic License 2.0: http://www.perlfoundation.org/attachment/legal/artistic-2_0.txt Prerequisites: The Django framework 1.5 or later http://www.djangoproject.org/ A MySQL database server http://www.mysql.com/ MySQLdb Python interface to MySQL http://mysql-python.sourceforge.net/ Apache web server http://www.apache.org/ WSGI web gateway interface http://wsgi.org/wsgi/ In principle, almost any of these components except Django itself could be swapped out without radical changes to the application. Usage Summary: Though it has been used successfully to produce tens of thousands of corrections to the EEBO-TCP texts, the project is still rather bare bones. There is no programmer-oriented documentation and no user documentation except the About page. There are no build procedures, Makefiles, or installers. The basic steps to follow to run the application are: 1.) Install all the prerequisite software listed above. 2.) Create an 'annolex' database on your MySQL server, accessible by the 'annolex' user. The createdb.csh script in the top-level directory may help with this on Unix-like systems. 3.) Create a settings file called annolex/settings.py based on annolex/settings.py.template. Anything between '@@' symbols needs to be replaced with something local. 4.) Create the database schema with: cd annolex ./manage.py syncdb 5.) Populate the annolexapp_annolex and annolexapp_textlist tables with your data. For now, the column names are the only indication of what goes in them, which should be sufficient in most cases. 6.) Modify files containing paths to reflect your local environment. That should just be annolex/apache/django.wsgi. 7.) Deployment consists of moving all the files under annolex/ to an appropriate place on your web server and configuring your server to see them. The virtualhost.template in the top-level directory contains an example Apache VirtualHost section.
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