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  • method: GET Get comments of the post specified by postId
  • request body:
  • response body:
  id: int,
  content: string,
  author: string // author's name
  • method: POST Post a comment on the post specified by postId
  • request body:
  postId: number,
  content: string,
  userId: number
  • response body:


  • method: POST Like the post specified by postId
  • request body: { userId: number }
  • response body:
// 가능하면
  likeCount: number // new like count


  • method: GET
  • params: none required
  • response body: none required


  • method: POST
  • request body:
Account {
  username: string,
  password: string,
  firstName: string,
  lastName: string
  • response:
  status: 201 | 403 | 500,
  message: 'signup_success' | 'signup_failed' | 'internal_server_error'


  • method: POST
  • request body:
  username: string,
  password: string
  • response body:
Profile {
  account: Partial<Account> {
    username: string,
    firstName: string,
    lastName: string
  friends: Profile[]


  • method: GET
  • params: none required
  • response body: none required


  • method: GET
  • request body: none required
  • response body:
  users: {
    id: number,
    label: string,
  friends: {
    from: number,
    to: number,


  • method: GET
  • request body: none required
  • response body:
  users: {
    id: number,
    label: string,
  friends: {
    from: number,
    to: number,


  • method: GET
  • request body: none required
  • response body:
  0: {
    id: number,
    content: string,
    select: boolean, #represent that it should show 'accept' and 'decline' buttons
    datetime: string,
    read: boolean,
    sender_id: integer,
		receiver_id: integer,
    profile_id: integer
  1: {
  • method: PUT This api sets all notificaions of user as read
  • request body: none required
  • response body: none required


  • method: POST This api create a notification each to sender to receiver. id means the receiver's user id
  • request body: none required
  • response body:
  createdTime: string
  • method: PUT This api modifies a notification after receiver accepts or declines the request. id means the id of notification of receiver
  • request body:
  answer: 'accept' | 'decline'
  • response body: none required


  • method: GET Requests users whose firstname + lastname includes the query param indicated by /:term
  • request body: none required
  • response body:
  persons: [{
    id: integer,
    first_name: string,
    last_name: string
  groups: [{
    id: integer,
    name: string,
    motto: string


  • method: POST Requests user infos with given node info
  • request body:
  selectedNodes<UserNode[]>: [
    {id: 3, label: 'John'},
    {id: 15, label: 'David'},
  • response body:
  selectedUsers<User[]>: [
    {id: 3, firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe'},
    {id: 15, firstName: 'David', lastName: 'Yeon'},


  • method: POST Get posts with the tags of given users
  • request body:
  selectedUsers<User[]>: [
    {id: 3, firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe'},
    {id: 15, firstName: 'David', lastName: 'Yeon'},
  • response body:
  posts<Post[]>: [
      id: 1, 
      content: 'First Post',
      tags: [3, 15, ...], // user id array
      likes: [4, 5, 6, ...], // user id array
      createdTime: DateTime,
      author: 3 // user id
      images: ['path_to_image', ...]


  • method: GET Create a new post with the tags of given users
  • request body:
  selectedUsers<User[]>: [
    {id: 3, firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe'},
    {id: 15, firstName: 'David', lastName: 'Yeon'},
  content<string>: 'New post content',
  imagePaths<string[]>: ['./image1.png', './image2.png', ...]
  • response body:
  message: 'success' | 'fail'


  • method: GET Return profile of given user. The parameter is id of Account model.
  • request body:
  • response body:
motto filed can be blank. Then, this field is ''.
groups and mutual_friends filed can be blank. Then, these fields are [].
  name: string,
  motto: string,
  groups: string[],
  distance: integer,
  mutual_friends: [
      id: integer,
      name: string
  • method: PUT
  • request body:
  motto: string
  • response body:


get names and common groups of users. If users are more than two, then this also return the distance between two users.

  • method: POST
  • request body:
  selectedNodes<UserNode[]>: [
    {id: 3, label: 'John'},
    {id: 15, label: 'David'},
  • response body:
  names: string[],
  groups: string[],
  distance: integer


create a group with the info given by Json

  • method: POST
  • request body:
  name: string,
  motto: string,
  selectedNodes<UserNode[]>: [
    {id: 3, label: 'John'},
    {id: 15, label: 'David'},
  • response body:


  • method: GET return a graph info of the group whose id is 'id'.
  • request body:
  • response body:
  users: {
    id: number,
    label: string,
  friends: {
    from: number,
    to: number,
  • method: PUT add the user to the specific group.
  • request body:
  • response body:
  • method: DELETE let the user leave a group
  • request body:
  • response body:


  • method: POST Upload images
  • request body:
imageForm<FormData> {
  image0: File,
  image1: File,
  • response body:
paths<string[]> [


SNS based on vis.js graph UI.






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