Git implementation in pure lua for luvit.
Install using the lit toolkit.
lit install creationix/git
The primary interface to the git module is a mount command that accepts a fs interface instance and returns a git database. Under the hood it mounts a git repository using the same filesystem format as the native git tool. This includes support for reading packed objects and refs.
The fs
interface is required to implement the same API as a coro-fs chroot that
is rooted at the database root.
local import = _G.import or require
local makeChroot = import('coro-fs').chroot
local mount = import('git').mount
local db = mount(makeChroot("path/to/.git"))
db.has(hash) -> bool - check if db has an object
db.load(hash) -> raw - load raw data, nil if not found
db.loadAny(hash) -> kind, value - pre-decode data, error if not found
db.loadAs(kind, hash) -> value - pre-decode and check type or error -> hash - save pre-encoded and framed data
db.saveAs(kind, value) -> hash - encode, frame and save to objects/$ha/$sh
db.hashes() -> iter - Iterate over all hashes
db.getHead() -> hash - Read the hash via HEAD
db.getRef(ref) -> hash - Read hash of a ref
db.resolve(ref) -> hash - Resolve hash, tag, branch, or "HEAD" to hash
db.nodes(prefix) -> iter - iterate over non-leaf refs
db.leaves(prefix) -> iter - iterate over leaf refs - table containing storage interface.
storage.write(path, raw) - Write mutable data by path
storage.put(path, raw) - Write immutable data by path -> raw - Read mutable data by path (nil if not found)
storage.delete(path) - Delete an entry (removes empty parent dirs)
storage.nodes(path) -> iter - Iterate over node children of path
(empty iter if not found)
storage.leaves(path) -> iter - Iterate over node children of path
(empty iter if not found)
storage.fs - The fs instance originally passed in.
The modes table contains constants and helpers for working with git tree entry modes.
TODO: show example usage.
This table contains the internal encoder functions for constructing the binary representation of git objects.
This table contains decoders for reading binary git objects into lua.