[1.5.0] 2019 - 02 - 20
Removed dependencies
removed react-navigation@3.11.0
Added dependencies
added @react-navigation/compat@5.0.0
added @react-navigation/drawer@5.0.0
added @react-navigation/native@5.0.0
added @react-navigation/stack@5.0.0
added @react-native-community/masked-view@0.1.5
added react-native-reanimated@1.4.0
added react-native-safe-area-context@0.6.0
added react-native-screeens@2.0.0-alpha.12
Updated dependencies
updated expo@35.0.0
to expo@36.0.0
updated expo-asset@7.0.0
to expo-asset@8.0.0
updated expo-font@7.0.0
to expo-font@8.0.0
updated expo-cli@2.4.0
to expo-cli@3.11.7
updated expo-linear-gradient@7.0.0
to expo-linear-gradient@8.0.0
updated react@16.8.3
to react@16.9.0
updated babel-preset-expo@7.0.0
to babel-preset-expo@8.0.0
updated cross-env@5.2.0
to cross-env@7.0.0
updated jest-expo@35.0.0
to jest-expo@36.0.0
Updated files
changed the whole routing from Screens.js
because react-navigation@5.0.0
has a new dynamic API
changed Menu.js
for a new Drawer custom component
changed Drawer.js
for a new type of <DrawerCustomItem />
changed props and variables so that the new react-navigation
API could work with the following files: Pro.js
, Header.js
, Product.js
, Onboarding.js
You can’t perform that action at this time.