Releases: crescent-network/cosmos-sdk
Changelog from v1.1.5: v1.1.5-sdk-0.45.10...v1.1.5-sdk-0.45.10-mid-block-1
Full Changelog from upstream: upstream/v0.45.10...v1.1.5-sdk-0.45.10-mid-block-1
Changelog: v1.2.0-sdk-0.45.10...v1.2.0-sdk-0.45.10-mid-block-1
Full Changelog: upstream/v0.45.10...v1.2.0-sdk-0.45.10-mid-block-1
What's Changed ( State Breaking )
fix!: barberry vesting, feegrant bug (backport) by @crypin in #3
Fix Barberry Vesting Bug and Infinite Feegrant Bug
Cosmos SDK Security Advisory Barberry (backport from cosmos#16466 of v0.46.13)
Infinite Feegrant Bug (backport from cosmos#16097 of v0.45.16)
What's different from upstream Cosmos SDK?
The following changes are customized from the upstream Cosmos SDK.
fix: allow delegate only spendable coinsx/gov
feat: add additional voting powers hook on tallyx/vesting
feat: add periodic vesting msg
Be aware of state breaking changes if you want to use this version in other projects.
Full Changes from Cosmos SDK upstream 0.45.10: cosmos/cosmos-sdk@v0.45.10...crescent-network:cosmos-sdk:v1.1.5-sdk-0.45.10
**Changelog from v1.1.4-sdk-0.45.10 **: v1.1.4-sdk-0.45.10...v1.1.5-sdk-0.45.10
Release Notes
This release is based on Cosmos SDK v0.45.10.
What's Changed
What's different from upstream Cosmos SDK?
The following changes are customized from the upstream Cosmos SDK.
fix: allow delegate only spendable coinsx/gov
feat: add additional voting powers hook on tallyx/gov
feat: add initial deposit ratio requirement of 0.5 for proposal submissionx/vesting
feat: add periodic vesting msg
Be aware of state breaking changes if you want to use this version in other projects.
Full Changelog: v1.1.4-sdk-0.45.10...v1.2.0-sdk-0.45.10
Release Notes
This release is based on Cosmos SDK v0.45.10.
What's different from upstream Cosmos SDK?
The following changes are customized from the upstream Cosmos SDK.
fix: allow delegate only spendable coinsx/gov
feat: add additional voting powers hook on tallyx/vesting
feat: add periodic vesting msg
Be aware of state breaking changes if you want to use this version in other projects.
Full Changes from Cosmos SDK upstream 0.45.10: cosmos/cosmos-sdk@v0.45.10...crescent-network:cosmos-sdk:custom/release-0.45.10-based
Release Notes
This release is based on Cosmos SDK v0.45.9.
- Revert
feat: Add dynamic blockedAddrs
What's different from upstream Cosmos SDK?
The following changes are customized from the upstream Cosmos SDK.
fix: allow delegate only spendable coinsx/gov
feat: add additional voting powers hook on tallyx/vesting
feat: add periodic vesting msg
Be aware of state breaking changes if you want to use this version in other projects. You can reference the changed codes in this link.
Release Notes
This release is based on Cosmos SDK v0.45.9, and the following changes are customized in this forked version of Cosmos SDK. Be aware of state breaking changes if you want to use this version in other projects. You can reference the changed codes in this link.
fix: allow delegate only spendable coinsx/gov
feat: add additional voting powers hook on tallyx/vesting
feat: periodic vesting msgx/bank
feat: Add dynamic blockedAddrs
Reverted types.CreatePrefixedAccountStoreKey
function that is accidentally removed in previous release
Release Notes
DO NOT USE THIS VERSION as it complains about types.CreatePrefixedAccountStoreKey
This release is based on Cosmos SDK v0.45.9, and the following changes are customized in this forked version of Cosmos SDK. Be aware of state breaking changes if you want to use this version in other projects. You can reference the changed codes in this link.
v1.0.2-sdk-0.44.5 contains below state-breaking changes
fix: allow delegate only spendable coinsx/gov
feat: add additional voting powers hook on tallyx/vesting
feat: periodic vesting msgx/bank
feat: Add dynamic blockedAddrs
Full Changelog: v0.44.5...v1.0.2-sdk-0.44.5