- crewtimer-common - Common types and utilities for CrewTimer.
- crewtimer-points - A points engine for CrewTimer results.
- crewtimer-doc - Documentation for CrewTimer applications and website.
- crewtimer-recorder - A video recorder app for use with CrewTimer Video Review.
- crewtimer-video-review - A video review app for finish order and timing.
- crewtimer-fl-connect - A connector to integrate CrewTimer with FinishLynx.
- crewtimer-handicaps - A handicap engine for CrewTimer handicap calculations
- crewtimer-mobile - Mobile Apps for Andriod and iOS
- crewtimer-results - CrewTimer results website https://crewtimer.com
- crewtimer-admin - CrewTimer Admin interface https://admin.crewtimer.com
- crewtimer-wisblock - Hardware devices such as the BLE Clicker and Mobile Horn (C++)