Releases: cristian-barbarosie/manifem
Implement specific garbage collector for FiniteElements and Integrators.
We can declare and use an integrator without bothering with the subjacent finite element,
see paragraphs 1.1 and 6.2 in the manual.
Add Mesh constructor with tag::quadrangle, tag::winding, tag::singular, in the spirit of paragraph 7.16.
Fix nasty bug in progressive mesh generation. Still not entirely stable, needs more work.
3D torus, made of cubic cells, paragraphs 7.11 - 7.13.
Cell constructor with tag::vertex, tag::of_coords, tag::project
Zero-dimensional manifolds, paragraphs 2.12 and 7.11.
Change tag::progressive
into tag::frontal
meshes work in an incipient setting.
In progressive mesh generation, change tag::inherent_orientation into tag::orientation, tag::inherent etc.
Introduce constructor Mesh ( tag::import, tag::msh, "filename.msh"). Rename export_msh to export_to_file. Switch to gmsh version 4 format.
Introduce constructor Mesh ( tag::cube, ... ).
Gather source files under src directory.
Lagrange finite elements of degree two, paragraphs 6.5 - 6.8 in the manual
Change 'spin' into 'winding'.
Cone-like quotient manifolds, paragraphs 7.12 and 7.13.
Change CellIterator to Mesh::Iterator, thus exposing one less name in namespace maniFEM.
Fast (hand-coded) finite elements, paragraphs 6.5 and 6.6.
Folding (or wrapping) of a mesh around a cylinder or a torus, paragraphs 7.14-7.16 in the manual.
Meshes on quotient manifolds, section 7 in the manual.
minor improvements and bug fixes, particularly a bug in progressive mesh generation
Garbage collectors for cells and meshes work, paragraph 11.5 in the manual.
Introduced iterators centered at a cell, paragraph 9.10 in the manual.
Some examples about remeshing, section 10 in the manual.