Objective: test the Qucs frond and back ends.
The test projects under the testsuite
directory are all run by default.
To skip failing projects use the --skip
option with a list of projects to be ignored.
Example of running the test-suite while skipping a few test projects:
$python run.py --prefix /home/user/local/qucs-master/bin/ --skip skip.txt --qucsator
See below examples of printing schematics to file (pdf):
- printing all
- skipking a list of projects
- a single project from the testsuite
$python run.py --prefix /home/user/local/qucs-master/bin/ --p
$python run.py --prefix /home/user/local/qucs-master/bin/ --skip skip_print.txt -p
$python run.py --prefix /home/user/local/qucs-master/bin/ --p --project AC_SW_resonance_prj
runs the schematic to netlist conversion. -
runs the simulator. -
--add-test [schematic].sch
adds a schematic as a test-project into the test-set.- it will attempt to initialize/create the reference netlist, reference results and log files.
--skip [file]
will skip the projects listed in the [file].- current format: PROJECT_NAME, Any comment (project name should end with a ',')
--project [project directory from testset]
will run a single test from the set. -
--compare-qucsator [prefix/one prefix/two prefix/three]
runs multipe qucsator simulators.- The simulator found in each supplied directory is run on all on the projects for comparison.
The script is rather verbose and the progress is printed to the terminal (with colors, yeah!).
A table with the run project, Qucs schematic version and simulation runtim is saved automatically and time-stamped.
A report table with all components available to Qucs and the coverage with respect to the types of simulations.
Mac OSX 10.8.5, Python 2.7.5, Numpy 1.7.1
Debian 6.0.7 (Squeeze), Python 2.6.6, Numpy 1.4.1
You might need to install argparse
which is not included with Python 2.6. Something like:
$sudo apt-get update
$sudo apt-get install python-setuptools
$sudo easy_install pip
$sudo pip install setuptools --no-use-wheel --upgrade
$sudo pip install argparse
under construction
It considers every directory under testsuite
as a project to be run. Then,
It run tests to check the schematic to netlist conversion, using the Qucs-GUI code.
It compares (diff) a reference netlist with the generated netlist on the step above.
A simulation is run for each project
Results are for the dependent variables are compared with reference results
It collects : failed netlist diffs, simulation runtime, failed variable comparison, output and warnings (not used currently).
Running Qucs and Qucsator from the command line makes it easy to automated testing.
It is possible to use Qucs GUI from the command line to read a schematic and create the netlist.
$qucs -n -i file.sch -o netlist.txt
The Qucs GUI can be used from the command line to read a schematic and crete a printout (feature in development).
$qucs -p -i file.sch -o netlist.pdf
Having a netlist file it is possible to run the Qucsator backed to read the netlist and create the results (and log messages).
$qucsator -i netlist.txt -o result.dat
- Tests should not take too much time to run.
- Tests should focus into a particular feature which can be tested in isolation
- Tests could be categorised, ex. DC, AC analysis, a component...
- Tests should exercise corners that are crucial for stable releases.
- Before releasing, the test set should be run with no regressions.
- Git can be used to version test result (timing history?)
A test case is stored on a directory, similar to a Qucs project
Suggested contents:
- test.txt
- test config file
- Schematic (.sch)
- Test schematic (name convention)
- Subcircuits dependencies
- Netlist (.txt)
- reference netlist
- Result (.dat)
- reference results
- Optional
- reference log file (.txt)
- PDF dump of schematic/data display
What about asco, verilog, vhdl?
The test-case is run depending on the available inputs. The main steps are listed below
- convert schematic into test netlist
- compare reference netlist with test netlist
- run netlist (or test netlist) store test result
- compare reference result with test result
Schematic ==> Netlist
input: [name].sch
output: netlist_test.txt
Netlist ==> Result
input: netlist.txt | netlist_test.txt
output: result.dat | result_test.txt
- netlist X netlist_test
- result X result_test
Simple diff, skip first line. Retun different lines.
Qucsator has the option to check a netlist. ?? what for ??
It uses the numpy allclose
function to check how close together are all the dependent variables (arrays) on the reference and test data files.
Tests should be similar to projects. So making it easy to open on Qucs an use as examples.
- Need to identify the test schematic among the subcircuits
- directory name, and the name of the schematic to be netlisted/simulated.
- what about verilog, vhdl, asco?
- pack/unpack tarballs/examples?
Create/update list of test/prj:
- check consistency of the test-suite.
- it looks what tests are available.
- it adds new tests as they are found.
- it preserves the ones that are commented out #, give warning
Test behavior depends on the provided input/reference files
- if [sch] provided -> netlist, check
- if [sch, dat] provided -> nelist, [check], simulate, check
- if [sch, dat, log] provided -> do netlist, [check], simulate, check, statistics
Give option to create reference files when missing.
Table Report pass, fail, missing resource
Catch errors, time out, kill process if taking more than expected
Report checks, time improvement/regression
Html report?