Offical Repository of the crop-assistant project (home-assistant add-on)
build a home-assistant add-on allows anyone with a few crops, a home greenhouse or even just a single plant to easily maintain it as automaticly as possible idealy the system will give the correct amount of resources the plant requires at any time during the year (light, air temperature and humidity, soil moisture, soil nutrients, [...]) we would also like to make the setup process as easy as possible by having a home-assistant page where you can input the plant types and where each sensor and actuator is placed and connected to
- build a tasmota based system that interfaces a humidity sensor and a pump to home-assistant
- build a basic prototype that uses home-assistant automations to keep the soil moisture above a certain threshold
- implement a basic home-assistant add-on that has a dummy blank page
- implement a basic home-assistant add-on that lets you choose what plants are present (use a public database, idealy bundle it locally with the add-on)
- implement a basic home-assistant add-on that lets you choose what plants are present (use a public database, idealy bundle it locally with the add-on) and connect sensors and actuators to it
- expand the roadmap