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Firebot v5.60.0 Twitch Login Changes FAQ

Zack Williamson edited this page Jan 6, 2024 · 2 revisions

As of version 5.60.0, Firebot now uses a new Twitch-mandated login system called Device Code Flow. While it has certain advantages, there are a few things that will need to be addressed the first time you login using the new system.

Why the change?

Twitch has mandated that certain types of apps, including Electron-based apps like Firebot, use this new login flow going forward.

Are there advantages to the new system?

Yes! This new login method is designed to reduce the number of times you'll need to re-login to Firebot in the future. For example, you'll need to login again only if you don't use Firebot for several weeks at a time, or if Twitch releases new features and Firebot has to ask for new account permissions.

Will I need to login again after the update?

Yes, because of this change, the existing login data we use to connect to Twitch will be invalidated, so Firebot will automatically log you out the first time after updating to version 5.60.0.

I heard this might affect my channel rewards I have setup in Firebot. How so?

First, effects that are setup on existing rewards will continue to work, EXCEPT for the Update Channel Reward effect. Due to the nature of this change, any rewards you wish to edit directly within Firebot (reward details like cost, cooldowns, pausing/disabling, etc.) or via the Update Channel Reward effect will need to be recreated in Firebot v5.60.0 or higher. After recreating any affected rewards, you will also need to update all instances of the Update Channel Reward effect to reference the newly created rewards. You will only need to go through this process ONCE after updating to Firebot v5.60.0 or higher.

Can I quickly recreate my existing channel rewards in the new version?

Yes! You can use the Duplicate button on any existing rewards to recreate them in the new version of Firebot. This will instantly create a copy of the reward, including all settings and effects from the original one (except for the icon). All you just need to do afterward is go to your Twitch Dashboard to delete the old reward and update the icon for the new one.

Can you tell me a little more about how Device Code Flow works?

If you've ever logged into a streaming service app on a device like a set top box or gaming console where you receive a code to activate the app using another device or browser, this is a very similar experience. When logging in with either your streamer or bot account, Firebot will give you a code along with a URL where you'll need to enter it. Once you enter the code, login with your Twitch account, and authorize Firebot, Firebot will automatically detect that you're logged in and close the login window.

You can dive deeper into the technical details in Twitch's developer documentation.


We know this may be inconvenient and frustrating, especially for users who have many Firebot-managed channel rewards, but we know the benefits of the new login system are worth the change. We've also worked incredibly hard to make the v5.60.0 release as fix- and feature-packed as possible to make up for any frustrations this may cause. Thank you for your patience, understanding, and continued support. ❤️

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