License: GPL
Use Swagger API JSON to create Falcon REST APIs. - a complete working REST API server in 57 lines of code.
This is intended just as a proof of concept/technology demo. It is based on Swagger PetStore REST API.
A presentation was done on this topic at PyCon Brisbane 2015 - here is the presentation notes:
You can browse the Swagger PetStore API at
This shows how you can use a Swagger JSON API document to create a REST API server in Python using Falcon.
It's easy! Have a look at the example to see how its done.
Each Swagger route must have a unique operation id.
In your Python code, import Falcon and serve_swagger as follows:
import falcon
import falcon.status_codes as status
from serve_swagger import SpecServer
create Python functions that you want to execute in response to incoming requests. Make sure your function takes **request_handler_args as its argument.
Like so:
def deletePet(**request_handler_args):
resp = request_handler_args['resp']
resp.status = falcon.HTTP_204
resp.body = 'Your pet is deleted! Very sad......'
create an operation_handlers dict that maps each swagger operation id to one of your functions.
operation_handlers = {
'addPet': [not_found],
'updatePet': [not_found],
'findPetsByStatus': [findPetsByStatus],
'findPetsByTags': [forbidden],
'getPetById': [getPetById],
'updatePetWithForm': [forbidden],
'deletePet': [deletePet],
'uploadFile': [not_found],
'getInventory': [not_found],
'placeOrder': [forbidden],
'getOrderById': [not_found],
'deleteOrder': [im_a_teapot],
'createUser': [forbidden],
'createUsersWithArrayInput': [not_found],
'createUsersWithListInput': [im_a_teapot],
'loginUser': [not_found],
'logoutUser': [not_found],
'getUserByName': [not_found],
'updateUser': [not_found],
'deleteUser': [not_found],
If you want to get fancy, you can push each request through multiple request handlers, like so:
operation_handlers = {
'addPet': [authenticate_handler, refresh_cookie, add_some_header, addPet],
You can also push requests through authorization handlers. This is done by creating a tuple of request handlers that return True if the authorization succeeds. Note that only ONE authorization handler needs to return True for the authorization to succeed.
operation_handlers = {
'addPet': [authenticate_handler, (requires_admin, requires_manager,), addPet],
finally, set up Falcon and the Swagger spec server, load in your Swagger JSON API spec document, like so:
api = application = falcon.API()
server = SpecServer(operation_handlers=operation_handlers)
with open('petstore.json') as f:
api.add_sink(server, r'/')
Run it as follows:
gunicorn -b petstore:application
to test:
curl -X DELETE
Please note that this code is substantially extracted from the Mailman 3 authenticating proxy server which is found at