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Eric Pailleau edited this page Apr 22, 2017 · 14 revisions


[WARNING] Never add your config files to git for security reasons. Thoses files contains your personal credentials to access be2bill servers. A .gitignore avoid thoughtlessness git command but do not protect from -f (force) option !

Environment files

sys.config : Common file

  • env [prod_env, dev_env] Start environments production and/or sandbox. Default to both.

  • prod_env [production] List of production environment atom name(s). Default to production.

  • dev_env [sandbox] List of development environment atom name(s). Default to sandbox.

sandbox.config : Sandbox file

  • sandbox list() List of parameters for sandbox environment. Add another environments if needed, but need to be in the dev_env list, to be started.

production.config : Production file

  • production list() List of parameters for production environment. Add another environments if needed, but need to be in the prod_env list, to be started. For exemple if both VISA and Paypal is needed, create production_visa and production_paypal entries with their own parameters.

Common parameter names for production and sandbox environments names

  • identifier string() Login identifier at be2bill service.
  • password string() Password at be2bill service. Once loaded at start, this environment variable will be immediately hidden with stars (*******) to avoid unnecessary vision. The real password is stored in a process of each environment. As far production processes cannot be traced/observed, this password is then protected at runtime from configuration read calls. This disposition is mainly a protection against involuntary display of sensitive information inside the web site while debugging.
  • main_pool string list() List of IP address masks (CIDR notation) for main servers. IP addresses will be computed and set into a main_servers variable under a {environment name}_net variable at start.
  • backup_pool string list() List of IP address masks (CIDR notation) for backup servers. IP addresses will be computed and set into a backup_servers variable under a {environment name}_net variable at start.
  • main_url string() URL to join be2bill service, from document root (i.e from first '/', without https://host:port part). Complete URL will be computed by picking randomly hosts at runtime.
  • backup_url string() Same than main_url but for backup servers, if different. If not set, or set empty, main_url is used.

Tunable parameters