Basic version of the bluenet localization for iOS.
This module is made to be used with the BluenetLibIOS which is found here:
To use, you can use the zip file in the releases found here:
Download the zip file in the latest release and extract it. From the archive /Carthage/Build/iOS get the following files:
- BluenetBasicLocalization.framework
- BluenetBasicLocalization.framework.dSYM Place these in the ./Carthage/Build/iOS folder of the project you added BluenetLibIOS too and include the .framework file like a Carthage framework.
To implement your own classifier, you have to make sure your classifier adheres to the protocols hosted here:
The protocols are used to allow Bluenet to communicate with the classifier.
A minimal classifier will look like this:
open class CrownstoneBasicClassifier: LocalizationClassifier {
public init() {}
public func loadTrainingData(_ dataId: String, referenceId: String, trainingData: <someDataType>) {
A method to load training data into the classifier.
This can be called multiple times to load different training sets into the classifier.
Each set is a different possibility.
The dataId provided will be returned as string by the classify method
public func classify(_ inputVector: [iBeaconPacketProtocol], referenceId: String) -> String? {
return <result>