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These dotfiles can be easily installed via stow -t ~ .. Stow can most likely be installed through your favorite package manager, e. g. sudo apt-get install stow.

As of July 2022, the vim/nvim colorscheme I use has to be installed separately.


There are some assumptions about the environment these dotfiles are used in. In particular, it is assumed that:

  • fish is available at /usr/bin/fish (used as default shell in .tmux.conf)
  • ~/bin/tmuxinator.bash and ~/bin/ are available
  • ~/.texlive/2020/bin/x86_64-linux/ contains the binaries of a 2020 TeXLive installation
  • ~/.vim/bundle/ contains Vim plugins, particularly vim-pathogen at ~/.vim/bundle/vim-pathogen/
  • ~/.tmux/plugins/ contains tmux plugins
  • ~/.asdf/ contains asdf

These dotfiles don’t contain personal information and sensitive data; those are supplied via includes wherever supported. In particular, the following files are included:

  • ~/.config/git/user (included in .gitconfig)
  • ~/.mutt/accounts (included in .muttrc)
  • ~/.config/newsbeuter/accounts (included in .config/newsbeuter/config)

Installed programs

These dotfiles use the following programs, e. g. by loading config files or setting up aliases, but they check for their presence before doing that.

exa and bat can be used as drop-in replacements for ls and cat, respectively. If they are installed, ls and cat are set up as an alias to exa and bat, as descibed here.

  • bat
  • broot
  • delta
  • exa
  • starship
  • zoxide