- Clone repo.
- Terminal:
npm install
- Terminal:
node server.js
- Open web page
- http://www.w3.org/TR/websockets/#the-websocket-interface
- http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6455
- https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/WebSockets
* WebSockets constructor.
* @param {string} url The URL to which to connect.
* @param {string|array} protocols Optional. String or array of strings. Each string is a subprotocol name.
* during the handshake with the server, the server header Sec-WebSocket-Protocol must contain one of the subprotocol names.
* refs:
* http://www.w3.org/TR/websockets/#the-websocket-interface
* http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6455#section-1.2
* http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6455#section-1.3
* http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6455#section-11.3.4
* Origin can also be sent in the headers, so that the websocket only accepts certain origins.
* @constructor
//function WebSocket(url, protocols)
// Properties
ws.readyState; // {int} Status of the connection: 0 = connecting, 1 = open, 2 = closing, 3 = closed.
ws.bufferedAmount; // {int} Number of bytes queued by using send() that have not been transmitted over the network yet.
ws.extensions; // {string} Extensions selected by the server; currently this is always an empty string.
ws.protocol; // {string} Empty string until connected. Can by the subprotocol name chosen by the server.
ws.binaryType; // {string} Initially 'blob'. Can be either 'blob' or 'arraybuffer'
// Methods
ws.send(data); // data can be string, Blob, or ArrayBuffer
ws.close(shortCode, reason); // shortCode defaults to 1000, reason is a string explaining why the connection is closing
// Event Handlers
ws.onmessage; // message event handler type
ws.onopen; // open event
ws.onerror; // error event
ws.onclose; // close event