A rust library for parsing XPS/XnaLara meshes. This repository is used for making XNALaraUnity to work. Supports both binary and ASCII formats.
use xpsimport::loader;
use xpsimport::bone_naming;
fn main() {
if let Ok(model) = loader::open("mesh.xps",
bone_naming::BoneNaming::Default, true, true) {
for mesh in model.meshes {
println!("{}", mesh.name.to_str().unwrap());
A C interface is provided along with cmake config to be easily integrated with your cpp project. Use this cmake function:
C API usage:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <xpsimport.h>
int main() {
XPSData *mdl = xps_load_model("C:/test/carl.mesh");
int error = xps_get_error(mdl);
const char* mesh_name = xps_get_mesh_name(mdl, 0);
printf("%s", mesh_name);
printf("a%d", error);
return 0;
A full info on available API functions is provided in xpsimport.h
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
XPS by core-design XNALaraMesh by johnzero7