This is Arduino sample code for the CFAL25664C0-021MW/Y family of displays. These displays are graphic OLEDs and can be interfaced with using 3- or 4-wire SPI, I2C, 6800, or 8080 parallel and use the Solomon Systech SSD1362 display controller. For interfacing and bringing up of the displays/prototyping, we recommend using the CFA10102 Multi-use ZIF Breakout Board which includes a voltage booster making it ideal for OLEDs which require a high panel voltage. In addition to the connection guide outlined below, please refer to the displays datasheet which outlines additional components required for the bring-up of the displays.
/ ARD | Port | | Function - 8080 Parallel | Function - SPI | Function - I2C
// N/A | | 2, 6, 8, 31 | VCC -> POWER 12V | VCC -> POWER 12V | VCC -> POWER 12V
// 3.3V | | 12, 15 | VCI -> POWER 3.3V | VCI -> POWER 3.3V | VCI -> POWER 3.3V
// GND | | 10-11 | GROUND | GROUND | GROUND
// N/A | N/A | 13 | BS0 -> GND | BS0 -> GND | BS0 -> GND
// N/A | N/A | 14 | BS1 -> VCI | BS1 -> GND | BS1 -> VCI
// N/A | N/A | 16 | BS2 -> VCI | BS2 -> GND | BS2 -> GND
// D8 | PORTB | 17 | Chip Enable Signal (CS) | Chip Enable Signal (CS) | N/A pull low
// D9 | PORTB | 18 | Reset (RESET) | Reset (RESET) | Reset (RESET)
// D10 | PORTC | 19 | Data/Command (DC) | Data/Command (DC) | Slave Address Selection (SAO)
// A1 | PORTC | 20 | Write (WR) | N/A pull low | Pull low (Sets I2C to write mode)
// A2 | PORTC | 21 | Read (RD) | N/A pull low | N/A pull low
// D0 | PORTD | 22 | LCD_D10 (DB0) | |
// D1 | PORTD | 23 | LCD_D11 (DB1) | |
// D2 | PORTD | 24 | LCD_D12 (DB2) | |
// D3 | PORTD | 25 | LCD_D13 (DB3) | |
// D4 | PORTD | 26 | LCD_D14 (DB4) | |
// D5 | PORTD | 27 | LCD_D15 (DB5) | |
// D6 | PORTD | 28 | LCD_D16 (DB6) | |
// D7 | PORTD | 29 | LCD_D17 (DB7) | |
// D13 | PORTD | 22 | | SCLK |
// D11 | PORTD | 23 | | SDIN |
// D2 | PORTD | 24 | | No Connection |
// D3 | PORTD | 25 | | N/A pull low |
// D4 | PORTD | 26 | | N/A pull low |
// D5 | PORTD | 27 | | N/A pull low |
// D6 | PORTD | 28 | | N/A pull low |
// D7 | PORTD | 29 | | N/A pull low |
// A5 | PORTC | 22 | | | SCLK
// A6 | PORTC | 23, 24 | | | SDA
Here are links to our active displays:
For more inforamtion about other OLED offerings, please see our full list here.