This plugin was created for the services of the CrystolNetwork
server, it is totally dedicated to your needs.
- Here are some examples of how you can use the functions they have to offer.
public class Example {
private final OfficesServices officesServices = SingletonService.getOrFill(OfficesServices.class);
private final PlayerBase playerBase = officesServices.getPlayerBase();
private final GroupLoader groupLoader = officesServices.getGroupLoader();
public void exampleOne(){
final Player examplePlayer = Bukkit.getPlayer("ExamplePlayer");
final PlayerPermission playerPermission = playerBase.getUser(examplePlayer);
//Add group
//Remove group
if (playerPermission.getLargestGroup().hasPermission("permission.admin")){
examplePlayer.sendMessage("You are Admin.");
if (examplePlayer.hasPermission("permission.mod")){
examplePlayer.sendMessage("You are Moderator.");
public class Example {
private final OfficesServices officesServices;
private final PlayerBase playerBase;
public Example(OfficesServices officesServices){
this.officesServices = officesServices;
this.playerBase = officesServices.getPlayerBase();
public void exampleTwo(){
final OfflinePlayer examplePlayer = Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer("Pedrinho");
final PlayerPermission playerPermission = playerBase.getUser(examplePlayer);
if (examplePlayer.isOnline()){
examplePlayer.getPlayer().sendMessage("You are online and allowed to see other people's money.");
} else {
final Plugin plugin = officesServices.getPlugin();// return plugin
plugin.getServer().getConsoleSender().sendMessage("Pedrinho is allowed to see other people's money.");
officesServices.getNetworkService().getJedisPool().getResource(); //get Redis
//Redis sender example
final RedisSender redisSender = new RedisSender(officesServices.getNetworkService());
//Tab 'TAG' change example
officesServices.getTabService().execute(new TabUpdate() {
public void onUpdate(TabFactory tabFactory) {
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.