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Change Logs

CS Goh edited this page Apr 14, 2024 · 49 revisions

If you have great ideas on how to improve Roadmapper, please send me your ideas via GitHub Discussions. Thanks!

v1.5.0 : 2024-04-14

  • Milestone marker is placed/drawn before the text of the task to prevent the marker from obstructing the text. This resolved issue #79.

v1.4.0 : 2023-11-20

  • Supported finer text alignment for milestone.

v1.3.3 : 2023-10-15

  • Fixed SVG output not showing vertical line.

v1.3.2 : 2023-09-17

  • Fixed #69. Task bar was not displayed with the correct width.
  • Fixed defect that was introduced with the fixed for #61. The group height got extended even though there are no milestones in the group.

v1.3.1 : 2023-08-10

  • Fixed #61. Incorrect Group box height due to multiple milestones.

v1.3.0 : 2023-07-09

  • Fixed #39 Hardcoded text alignment issue
  • Added set_background_colour() method. See Usage Documentation for more information.
  • Added "svg" as a painter type. You can now save the diagram as svg file. You just have to set painter_type = "svg" when creating the Roadmap.

v1.2.1 : 2023-05-27

  • Removed the dependency of Arial font on Linux system. i.e. The following commands to install MSCoreFonts is no longer required.
    • sudo apt install ttf-mscorefonts-installer
    • sudo fc-cache -f
  • Code clean up

v1.2.0 : 2023-04-24

  • Fixed #20: Removed absolute font naming dependency. i.e. "arial.ttf"
  • Fixed #22: The date argument for add_timeline() method is now passed as keyword argument. e.g. add_timeline(start="2023-05-16")
  • Introduced the 'with' statement for context management to create cleaner code.

v1.1.1 : 2023-04-02

  • Fixed #15: De-coupled locale from timeline formatting. If you are using non 'en_US' locale in your machine, it will not throw error anymore. Custom timeline formatting through .json file is still supported.

v1.1.0 : 2023-01-31

  • Unicode, multilingual support
  • Ability to change timeline locale and labels
  • Ability to add your own custom colour scheme

v1.0.0 : 2023-01-08

  • Provided options to show first day of week instead of W1, W2, etc. in WEEKLY timeline mode.
  • Provided options to configure font and fill colour for year in the timeline section.
  • Changed add_timeline() method parameters. font, font_size and font_colour are now deprecated.
    • To configure timeline year area, use year_font, year_font_size and year_fill_colour
    • To configure timlien item area, use item_font, item_font_size and item_fill_colour
  • Provided options to change task appearance in the roadmap. Task can now be displayed rectangular or rounded rectangle or rectangle with arrow head.
  • Ability to add logo to the roadmap.
  • Fixed issue with WEEKLY timeline mode

v0.2.2 : 2022-12-22

  • Replaced problematic pycairo with Pillow library
  • Ability to add subtitle text
  • Option to display vertical grey lines for timelines
  • Year is not displayed on top of the timeline
  • Replaced "Now" marker to ▼
  • Auto size surface height
  • Fixed defects

v0.1.1 : 2022-12-05

  • Added colour themes support.
  • Added the ability to change timeline from actual date to non-specific timeline like Year 1, Year 2, Month 1, Month 2, etc.
  • Added the ability to show current date marker on the roadmap.
  • Cleaned up code and fixed defects.

v0.1.0-beta3 : 2022-11-18

  • Fixed Roadmap.draw() error when set_footer() method has not been called.
  • Added Roadmap.version to show the library version.
  • Renamed package from "roadmap-generator" to "roadmapper".
  • Fixed some defects.

v0.1.0-beta2 : 2022-11-14

  • Fix distribution package error.

0.1.0-beta1 : 2022-11-14

  • Initial beta release.
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