This package implements the PubSub protocol from the Pioneer package. It allows you to use a Redis-backed Pub/Sub with similar interface as the AsyncPubSub and use it for your subscription resolvers.
.package(url: "", from: "1.0.0")
Create a RedisPubSub instance (Here is an example using Vapor's Redis integration):
import Vapor
import Redis
import Pioneer
import PioneerRedisPubSub
let app = try Application(.detect())
app.redis.configuration = try RedisConfiguration(hostname: "localhost")
struct Resolver {
let pubsub: PubSub = RedisPubSub(app.redis)
Now, implement your subscription resolver function, using the pubsub.asyncStream
and call .toEventStream()
to convert into an EventStream using AsyncEventStream
Internally calling the method .asyncStream
of the RedisPubSub will send redis a SUBSCRIBE
message to the topic provided if there hasn't been a subscription for that topic.
import Graphiti
extension Resolver {
var ON_MESSAGE: String {
func somethingChanged(_: Context, _: NoArguments) -> EventStream<Message> {
.asyncStream(Message.self, for: ON_MESSAGE)
RedisPubSub manages internally a collection of subscribers (using Actors) which can be individually unsubscribe without having to close all other subcriber of the same topic. Every time the .publish
method is called, RedisPubSub will PUBLISH
the event over redis which will be picked up by the RedisPubSub if there exist subscriber(s) for that topic.
Now, call .publish
method whenever you want to push an event to the subscriber(s).
extension Resolver {
func changeSomething(_: Context, args: SomeArgs) async -> Message {
let message = Message(using: args)
await pubsub.publish(for: ON_MESSAGE, payload: message)
return message
In cases where you no longer want push any message to any subscriber and/or consider a topic closed, you can call the .close
method for a topic to shutdown all active subcribers for that topic and end the subscription operation.
extension Resolver {
func closeSomething(_: Context, _: NoArguments) async -> Bool {
await pubsub.close(for: ON_MESSAGE)
return true
⚠️ RedisPubSub itself does not automatically unsubscribed from any active channels except when.close
is called, including when it has been disposed / deinitialized!