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Scripts and advice for running Pangeo with `dask-jobqueue` on (some) Australian HPC systems

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Scripts and advice for running Pangeo with dask-jobqueue on NCI's Gadi, Pawsey's Zeus and CSIRO's Petrichor

These are the scripts that I (Dougie) use. They may be useful to you.

(Note that NCI now provides access to a JupyterLab environment on Gadi via the Australian Research Environment. This is the recommended approach for running Pangeo workflows on NCI. The scripts and instructions in this repo describe an alternative approach that can be easily deployed across different HPC systems.)


Users will need to be able to log in to their system of interest. To use Gadi and Pawsey, users will need to be able to request resources under a project.

New users to Gadi can sign up here, but they will need to either join an existing project or propose a new project to be able to access NCI resources. Existing users can check their projects here.

New users to Pawsey can apply here.

Ideally, users will have a github account (it's free and easy to set up here), but this is not essential.

Getting set up:

  1. Log in to your system of choice:

    Gadi: ssh -Y <username>
    Zeus: ssh -Y <username>
    Petrichor: ssh -Y <username>

  2. If you don't have conda installed or access to conda (try which conda), install it:

    chmod +x

    You'll get prompted for where to install conda. The default is home, which may be quite limited for space. It may therefore be a good idea to instead use a different persistent location, e.g. /g/data on Gadi, /group on Zeus or Bowen storage on Petrichor.

    Note, to run the scripts in this repo conda will need to be initialised. When you first install conda you will be given the option to append some lines to your .bashrc that will initialise conda and activate a (base) environment every time you log in. I recommend doing this. Otherwise, you'll have to initialise conda manually before progressing.

  3. If there's any possibility you might edit the scripts in this repo and want to keep track of your edits using git, create a fork of this repo under your own github account by clicking on the Fork button on the top right of this page (strongly recommended). Doing this will create a replica of this repo under your username at<your_username>/pangeo_hpc.git. If you don't have a github account and you don't want to create one, go to step 4.

  4. Clone your fork of this repo to a location of your choice on Gadi, Zeus or Petrichor: go to the desired location and run

    git clone<your_username>/pangeo_hpc.git

    (or if your using ssh keys: git clone<your_username>/pangeo_hpc.git)

    If you didn't create a fork, clone this repo directly:

    git clone
  5. If you don't already have a pangeo-like conda environment (containing jupyter, xarray, dask...), create one using the environment.yml file in this repo. This should only take a few minutes with a decent internet connection and and file system that supports lots of small files. If you have permission to install into your conda (base) environment (e.g. if you install conda yourself) it's fastest to do this step with mamba, which works like conda but is written in C++. Otherwise you can use conda to create the environment.

    If you can install into (base):

    conda install mamba -y
    mamba env create -f environment.yml


    conda env create -f environment.yml

    This will create a new conda environment called pangeo. If you wish to use a different name, e.g.:

    conda env create --name <different_name> -f environment.yml
  6. Activate your new pangeo environment and configure your Jupyter password (note, in a previous version of these instructions, you would have also installed and enabled a number of Jupyter labextensions at this point. This is no longer necessary with JupyterLab version 3):

    conda activate pangeo
    jupyter notebook --generate-config
    jupyter notebook password

    and follow the prompts.

  7. At this point, you're ready to submit a job to run your JupyterLab and Python instances. Once this job is running and you've accessed JupyterLab via your web browser (see below) you'll be able to request additional resources as a dask cluster (using dask-jobqueue). We can submit a job to run our JupyterLab instance using the relevant start_jupyter_<system>.sh script but it may require a little editing first:

    1. Open the relevant start_jupyter_<system>.sh file and edit the PBS/SLURM header information (the #PBS/#SLURM lines) to reflect your project (if relevant), required resources, etc. Remember these do not need to represent the total resources you require for the job you have planned because you will be able to request additional resources from within JupyterLab using dask-jobqueue. For interactive science work, I usually request few resources for a relatively long time, and then do compute-heavy reduction task(s) on shorter-term dask-jobqueue clusters. With this type of workflow, the resources you request in start_jupyter_<system>.sh need only reflect what is needed to handle the reduced data.

    You could now go ahead and submit your start_jupyter_<system>.sh script to the queue. However, for convenience I've also written a simple function for handling the submission of start_jupyter_<system>.sh and parsing instructions from the output file. This function receives some of the key job specifications as optional inputs so you don't have to edit the header on start_jupyter_<system>.sh every time you want to change any of these. It also receives the name of your pangeo-like conda environment as an input. You can append this function to your .bashrc by running:


    The pangeo function signature is:

    Gadi: pangeo walltime(02:00:00) ncpus(4) mem(16GB) project($PROJECT) pangeo_env_name(pangeo) notebook_directory(~)
    Zeus: pangeo time(02:00:00) cpus_per_task(4) mem-per-cpu(4GB) account($PAWSEY_PROJECT) pangeo_env_name(pangeo) notebook_directory(~)
    Petrichor: pangeo time(02:00:00) cpus_per_task(8) mem-per-cpu(64GB) pangeo_env_name(pangeo) notebook_directory(~)

    where the defaults are given in brackets. For example, to run with the default settings, one would simply enter into their terminal:


    To specify a 2 hour job with 6 cpus, one would enter:

    pangeo 02:00:00 6
  8. Run the pangeo function or submit start_jupyter_<system>.sh to the queue. For the former, instructions for setting up port forwarding to view your JupyterLab session and dask dashboard will be printed to your screen. For the latter, you'll have to parse them from the jupyter_instructions.txt file that will appear in the current directory. In both cases, the instructions will only appear once your jobs leaves the queue which may take a minute or so.

  9. Follow the instructions to access your JupyterLab session via a web browser.

  10. Do your science. As mentioned above, my typical workflow is to use dask-jobqueue to request and access resources for the "heavy-lifting" in my notebooks (e.g. reducing a large dataset down to a 1D or 2D field to plot). Examples of setting up a dask-jobqueue cluster are given in the notebooks directory of this repo.

    Note that getting dask-jobqueue running on Gadi requires the manipulation of the default jobscripts submitted by dask's PBSCluster into a format that Gadi expects. An example of this hack is given in notebooks/run_dask-jobqueue_Gadi.ipynb.

Optional - register your pangeo environment as an IPython kernel:

  1. Activate your pangeo environment and install it as a ipykernel (you can change the --name and --display-name if you like):
    python -m ipykernel install --user --name pangeo --display-name "Python (pangeo)"

You can add other Python-based conda environments in the same way. This will provide you access to your environments from within JupyterLab and will mean you don't have to restart JupyterLab to effectuate any changes/updates you make to your environments (simply restarting the kernel will do).

Optional - add an R kernel and packages:

  1. Create a new conda environment and add some essential packages for working with geoscience data in R. Deactivate your pangeo environment and then:

    conda create -n r_env -c r r-essentials r-vars
    conda activate r_env
    conda install -c conda-forge r-raster r-matlab r-ncdf4 r-lmtest r-cowplot
  2. Register the R kernel with Jupyter:

    Rscript -e 'IRkernel::installspec()'

Now when you spin up JupyterLab you should be able to select and use your R kernel.


Scripts and advice for running Pangeo with `dask-jobqueue` on (some) Australian HPC systems






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