AngularLingua is an easy to use Translation Library with Typescript autocompletion and Compile-time safety that your Translation exists.
If you want the Compile-time safety to work you have to build it with aot enabled.
First you need to install the npm module:
npm i angular-lingua
To use angular-lingua in your project you have to import the module in your AppModule and provide a default language. This can be done via a provider or through a forRoot parameter. The language can be changed at runtime.
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { TranslationModule, LANGUAGE_TOKEN } from 'angular-lingua';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
declarations: [
imports: [
providers: [
useValue: 'ita'
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }
All your translations are in a single Typescript file. this file could be located at: src/locales/locales.ts. important ist that it expots all the translations under 'LOCALES'.
Your translation file is composed of translations keys, whom hold key value of the lanuagekey and the actual translation. In your translations you can have variables with two curly braces. Those you can replace at runtime.
export const LOCALES = {
'TITLE': {
'deu': 'übersetzung framework',
'ita': 'quadro di traduzione',
'fra': 'cadre de traduction'
'deu': 'hallo herr {{NAME}}',
'ita': 'ciao signor {{NAME}}',
'fra': 'bonjour monsieur {{NAME}}'
'FLAG': {
'deu': 'dies \"{{FLAG}}\" ist eine Flagge',
'ita': 'questa \"{{FLAG}}\" è una bandiera',
'fra': 'c\"est \"{{FLAG}}\" un drapeau'
To use the translations in the template of a component you have to copy it into a member variable. Thus is then accesable in the template.
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
import {LOCALES} from '../locales/locales';
selector: 'app-root',
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./app.component.scss']
export class AppComponent {
You have three options to translate in your template. With all of these options you can pass variables into the translation or fix the language.
<p [i18n]="LOCALES.TITLE"></p>
<!-- Example with Parameters -->
<p [i18n]="LOCALES.GREETING_MALE" [i18nParams]="{NAME: 'Hans Peter'}"></p>
<!-- Example with fixed language -->
<p [i18n]="LOCALES.TITLE" i18nLanguage="ita"></p>
{{ LOCALES.TITLE | i18n }}
<!-- Example with Parameters -->
{{ LOCALES.GREETING_MALE | i18n: {NAME: "Hans Peter"} }}
<!-- Example with fixed language -->
{{ LOCALES.TITLE | i18n: {} : 'ita' }}
Special about the component is that you can replace your Variable placeholders with whole Components.
<translate [key]="LOCALES.TITLE">
<!-- Example with Parameters -->
<translate [key]="LOCALES.FLAG">
<mat-icon *appOptKey="'FLAG'">flag</mat-icon>
<!-- Example with fixed language -->
<translate [key]="LOCALES.FLAG">
<ng-template appOptKey="FLAG">
you can inject the service like any other.
constructor(private translationService: TranslationService) {}
basicExample() {
const result = this.translationService.get(LOCALES.TITLE);
exampleWithParameters() {
const result = this.translationService.get(LOCALES.GREETING_MALE, {NAME: 'Hans Peter'});
examplesWithFixedLanguage() {
const result = this.translationService.get(LOCALES.TITLE, {}, 'ita');
When you change the language at runtime all the translations will be updated.