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Kubernetes cluster operations over SSH


The goal of this project is to provide a simple tool to provision a Kubernetes cluster on VMs over SSH. By going with a script-based approach, you can easily customize the installation process to fit your needs, and fail fast if something goes wrong.

kubelift aims to be a bridge between the manual operations with kubeadm and the automated installation with kubespray requiring a lot of setup.


  • A set of VM(s) with SSH access
  • Sudo privileges without password prompt (NOPASSWD in sudoers) for the SSH user
  • Internet connectivity on all nodes


  • Noninteractive mode for automated operations
  • SSH-based Operations for secure remote management
  • Seamless Upgrades for managing cluster lifecycle
  • Input Validation ensures all provided parameters are correct
  • Modular Design for better maintainability


Quick Setup

curl -LO
chmod +x

System-wide Installation

sudo curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/kubelift
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/kubelift


kubelift --help
Usage: kubelift <operation> [options...]
    create                                  Create a new Kubernetes cluster
    upgrade                                 Upgrade an existing Kubernetes cluster
    cleanup                                 Remove Kubernetes cluster

   -h, --help                               Display this help message
   --noninteractive <bool>                  Enable or disable noninteractive mode
   --ssh-user <username>                    Username to use for SSH connection
   --kubernetes-version <version>           Kubernetes version to install (create/upgrade only)
   --control-plane-ip <ip>                  Control plane node IP address
   --worker-ips <ip1,ip2,...>               Worker node IP addresses (create only)
   --enable-control-plane-workloads <bool>  Enable control plane scheduling (create only)
   --skip-reqs <bool>                       Skip minimum requirements validation
   --nuke <bool>                            Perform deep cleanup (cleanup only)

Cluster Creation

./ create \
    --noninteractive <bool> \
    --ssh-user <username> \
    --kubernetes-version <version> \
    --control-plane-ip <ip> \
    --worker-ips <ip1,ip2,...> \
    --enable-control-plane-workloads <bool>

The create operation will:

  • Validate all input parameters
  • Check SSH access to all specified nodes
  • Prepare each node by:
    • Installing Docker and containerd
    • Installing kubeadm, kubectl, and kubelet
    • Configuring the cgroup driver
  • Initialize the control plane node
  • Join worker nodes to the cluster
  • Install the CNI plugin (Flannel)
  • Optionally enable scheduling on the control plane node

Cluster Upgrade

./ upgrade \
    --noninteractive <bool> \
    --ssh-user <username> \
    --kubernetes-version <version> \
    --control-plane-ip <ip>

The upgrade operation will:

  • Validate all input parameters
  • Check SSH access to all nodes
  • Verify version differences between current and target
  • Check availability of target Kubernetes components
  • Upgrade the control plane node
  • Upgrade worker nodes (if present)

Cluster Cleanup

./ cleanup \
    --noninteractive <bool> \
    --ssh-user <username> \
    --control-plane-ip <ip> \
    --nuke <bool> # Optional

The cleanup operation will:

  • Remove the Kubernetes cluster using kubeadm reset
  • Clean up both control plane and worker nodes
  • Preserve CNI configuration

Configuration / Environment Variables

The scripts use the following environment variables:

General variables

  • NONINTERACTIVE: Enable or disable noninteractive mode (true/false)
  • SSH_USER: SSH user for connecting to the nodes
  • KUBERNETES_VERSION: Kubernetes version to install/upgrade to
  • CONTROL_PLANE_IP: IP address of the control plane node

Cluster creation variables

  • WORKER_IPS: Comma-separated list of worker node IP addresses
  • ENABLE_CONTROL_PLANE_WORKLOADS: Enable scheduling on control plane node (true/false)

Limitations and Considerations

  • Host OS: Scripts assume one of the latest Ubuntu LTS versions is used on all VMs
  • Network: Scripts assume the VMs have internet connectivity
  • Minimum Resources: Ensure VMs meet the minimum Kubernetes system requirements
  • CNI Plugin: Scripts install Flannel as the default CNI plugin
  • Version-specific Limitations: The upgrade script follows a general upgrade path. Specific versions may have additional requirements
  • Downgrades: The upgrade script doesn't support downgrading the cluster

Best Practices

  • Always test the scripts in a non-production environment first
  • Ensure you have recent backups before performing upgrades
  • Review the scripts and understand their operation before running
  • Monitor the cluster closely after any operations


Some of the alternatives you could consider are:

  • kubeadm - a tool built to provide best-practice "fast paths" for creating Kubernetes clusters, which kubelift is based on
  • kubespray - a set of Ansible playbooks to provision a Kubernetes cluster
  • kubean - an operator for cluster lifecycle management based on kubespray
  • kops - CLI to create, destroy, upgrade and maintain production-grade Kubernetes clusters hosted on AWS/GCP with more providers in Beta/Alpha
  • k3sup - k3s cluster installer over SSH

TODO - unordered


  • Add BATS - Bash Automated Testing System - for testing the scripts
  • Consider checkbashisms instead of shellcheck
  • Consider bash-language-server analysis
  • CodeQL analysis for security scanning
  • Add E2E tests with kind/k3d/Vagrant

High Priority

  • Allow custom CIDR ranges
  • Add support for additional logging output to a file
  • Add dry-run mode for operations

Medium Priority

  • Add support for more CNI plugins: Calico, Cilium
  • Cluster configuration templating
  • Add support for HA control plane
  • Add downgrades support
  • Assume presence of the flag equals true (e.g. --noninteractive) if the flag is present
  • Add k3s support
  • Add support for more Linux distributions

Low Priority

  • Air-gapped environments support