- Install .NET Core 3.1 at minimum. https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet-core/3.1
- Clone repo
- CD into CompilerEXE directory
- dotnet build
- Follow Compile Steps, stay in CompilerEXE directory
- dotnet run Program.net
- The output file will be an executable placed in the CompilerEXE directory.
Additional options can be passed after run
- Multiple files can be passed to compile. Any extension that is not .dll or .exe is accepted as a file to attempt to compile.
- By default, the program name will equal the name of the first compilation file passed. This can be changed with
--program-name <program-name>
- Libraries can be added to be linked to by passing them as normal files, except they must have a .dll or .exe extension.
- If on windows, the executable can just be ran from command line by running the compiled exe name.
- If on Linux or Mac, the latest version of Mono 6 is required to run the executable. .NET Core cannot run the outputted exe. Then, run
mono Program.exe