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Lenny Vision Package Developed by Nicolas Barrero 2017


This package contains a computer vision algorithm that classify three types of plastic bottles. The algorithm uses a kinect sensor for RGB image processing and then it uses kinect's depth data to estimate the 3D pose of the detected object with respect to the robot's base. This is part of an undergraduate project developed at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. See the published document here for further information.

It also include a modified version of the Openni Camera package.


  1. Documented Code
    Information about the computer vision algorithm.
  2. Openni Camera
    A modified version of the openni_camera package. Required when using Primesense sensors as the Kinect.
  3. Vision
    Main package for the computer vision algorithm.
  4. kinect_cal.yaml
    Intrinsic calibration parameters for the Kinect sensor, used with openni launch package.


Computer vision application for waste classification task.



  • Please see Vision for usage and other requirements.
  • When using a kinect sensor it is necessary to use avin2's plugin. Find more information here and here about Kinect installation.

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Created by Nicolas Barrero May 2018
Modified by Nicolas Barrero Nov 2018
Developed at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Nov 2018 Bogotá D.C-Colombia
"Centro Tecnologico de Automatizacion Industrial" CTAI
Perception For Industrial Robots Project



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