This plug-in provides means to connect to a Knappsack server to perform artifact deployment. It handles authentication and supports SSL connections as well. All operations are performed using plain HTTP requests.
apply plugin: 'knappsack'
knappsack {
url = ''
userName = 'DeployBot'
password = 'qwerty' // Only for presentation purposes! :-)
applicationId = 1
groupId = 2
storageId = 3
version = '1.2.3'
whatsNew = 'Recent changes in version 1.2.3'
artifactFileName = 'build/application.ipa'
keyStoreFileName = 'cacerts'
keyStorePassword = 'azerty'
gradle knappsackUpload
gradle knappsackUpload -Pknappsack.url='''DeployBot' -Pknappsack.password='qwerty' -Pknappsack.version='1.2.3' -Pknappsack.whatsNew='Recent changes in version 1.2.3' -Pknappsack.artifact='build/application.ipa' -Pknappsack.keystore.file='cacerts' -Pknappsack.keystore.password='azerty'
required: yes
property: knappsack.url
Knappsack server URL. Both HTTP and HTTPS connections are supported.
required: yes
User credential for authentication with Knappsack.
required: yes
property: knappsack.user.password
User password for authentication with Knappsack.
required: yes
Application id the artifact belongs to.
required: yes
Group id the artifact should be available to.
required: yes
Storage id where the artifact should be kept.
required: yes
property: knappsack.version
Artifact version.
required: yes when whatsNewFileName is not defined
property: knappsack.whatsnew
The message desribing recent changes in the application version. This parameter can not be used with whatsNewFileName.
required: yes when whatsNew is not defined
property: knappsack.whatsnew.file
A file name containing the message decribing recent changed in the application version. This parameter can not be used with whatsNew.
required: yes
property: knappsack.artifact
A file name of the artifact file to upload.
required: no
property: knappsack.keystore.file
The file name of a key store to use for HTTPS connections to the server. When the keyStoreFileName parameter is defined the given key store is used instead of the default one. This feature can be used when the Knappsack server uses a self-signed ceritficate and you don't want to modify the default Java key store.
required: yes if keyStoreFileName is defined
property: knappsack.keystore.password
A password for the key store file.