I made this code to solve one basic problem i had. How to work with local files and keep code syncronized with a remote location.
Get all dependencies:
npm install
Create one user_list.json config file:
cp config/user_list.json.dist config/user_list.json
edit the file to add user, machine, private key location and private key passphrase password
ensure that origin path is one folder and ends with /, destination path is one path to a folder and ends with a / too.
https://www.npmjs.org/package/rsync - to synchronize code at script start, or if connection fails
https://www.npmjs.org/package/ssh2 - to send all changes to remote server
https://www.npmjs.org/package/fsmonitor - to get local changes in files/folders
Thanks to all developers that had developed and published the necessary modules (see package.json)