Just keep my dotfiles and notes in one place. I use master
branch for generic setting. For machine-specific configuration, is located in different branch. This dotfile is powered by Dotbot.
If you did all of the above you may now follow these install instructions to setup a new Mac.
- Update macOS to the latest version with the App Store
- Install macOS Command Line Tools by running xcode-select --install
- Generate a new public and private SSH key and add them to Github
- Clone this repo to ~/.dotfiles
- Run
to start the installation - Restart your computer to finalize the process
Your Mac is now ready to use!
- Check out to the machine-specific branch
- Comment out the command you don't want in
- Run
這兩者的差別在於系統上認定有無登入會選擇其中一種來初始化 bash,不同系統會有不同作法,我的設定是如果系統要 load bash_profile 就把它轉到 bashrc,這樣只要設定好 bashrc 就好,bashrc 和 bash_profile 差別可參考別人的回覆。
: 解壓縮後面接的檔案mkd
: 創建資料夾且進入
: 如果有 tmux session 就 attach,如果沒有就新開一個 (lazy tmux)tml
: tmux lstma
: tmux attach-sessiontmk
: tmux kill-sessiontmc
: clear tmux stufftmna
: rename session
: prefix
: detach 目前的 session,
: rename 目前的 windownumber
: 跳到那個 number 的 windowc
: 開啟新的 window (create)n
: 跳到下一個 window (next)p
: 跳到上一個 window (previous)r
: 重新 load tmux.conf (reload)|
: split window h_
: split window vH
: resize leftK
: resize downJ
: resize upL
: resize right<hjkl>
: pane 上下左右跳
用 ssh 時會有 nested tmux 的狀況
: 轉到 ssh 的 tmux<S-Down>
: 轉回 local 的 tmux
- Learn Vim Progressively: 這個教學我看了好幾次是當初學 vim 的救星
- Vim Cheat Sheet: 適合印出來貼在電腦旁看
- Vim Awesome: vim plugin 排行榜
- vimgifs: 學 vim tips 的好地方
- viminum: 可以在瀏覽器上用 vim 的快速鍵
- lightline : Beautiful and light weight status bar.
- base16-vim : Base16 color theme.
- vim-buftabline : Buffer list that lives in the tabline.
- nerdtree : Explore file system in vim.
- nerdtree-git-plugin : Show git status on nerdtree.
- pangu : Auto format Chinese and English text.
- tcomment_vim : Fast shortcut for commenting.
- gundo : Fast undo.
- tagbar : Easy way to browse the tags of the current file.
- vim-easymotion : Vim motions on speed.
- vim-surround : Quickly deals surrounding things.
- supertab : Vim insert mode completions with Tab.
- auto-pairs : Insert or delete brackets, parens, quotes in pair.
- ctrlp : Fuzzy file, buffer, mru, tag, etc finder.
- vim-gitgutter : A Vim plugin which shows a git diff in the gutter (sign column) and stages/undoes hunks.
- vim-fugitive : Use git in vim.
- vim-signature : Easy mark in vim.
- vim-repeat : Let
more powerful in vim.
- syntastic : Powerful syntax checking plugin.
- vim-javascript : Javascript syntax hightlight and intent.
- vim-json : Syntax for json file.
- vim-jsx-pretty : React syntax highlighting and indenting plugin.
- vim-prettier : Auto format javascript, typescript, less, scss, css, json, graphql and markdown files.
- vim-css-color : Show color in vim.
可搭配 vimrc 一起看會比較清楚
= ,
= :w!jk
(跳回 normal mode)9
= $ (跳到此行的最後一個字)0
= ^ (跳到此行的第一個字)<Leader>dw
: 把白色空白刪掉 (delete whitespace)
我目前把 buffer 當 tab 在用
window 上下左右跳<Tab>
跳下一個 buffer<Shift-Tab>
跳上一個 buffer<Leader>t
開一個新的 buffer<Leader>q
關掉目前所在 buffer
開關 NerdTreeo
在 NerdTree 底下開啟檔案或開關目錄I
用 EasyMotion 找『目標』<Space>w
用 EasyMotion 找字<Space>j
用 EasyMotion 往下面行跳<Space>k
用 EasyMotion 往上面行跳
在所在字上加 () 號,例如;hello -> (hello) ( yield surround inside word )yss)
在所在行加 () 號S)
在 visual mode 下輸入,可在選取的字旁加 ()
開啟 ctrlp 模糊查詢
- Press
to cycle between modes. - Use
or the arrow keys to navigate the result list. - Use
to open the selected entry in a new tab or in a new split.
跳到上一個 hunk]c
跳到下一個 hunk<Leader>hp
preview a hunk's changes<Leader>hs
stage a hunk<Leader>hu
undo a hunk
開啟 gundo
format file
show functions and tags
Toggle mark 'x' and display it in the leftmost columndmx
Remove mark 'x' where x is a-zA-Zm,
Place the next available markm<Space>
Delete all marks from the current bufferm<BS>
Remove all markers]'
Jump to start of next line containing a mark['
Jump to start of prev line containing a markm/
Open location list and display marks from current buffer