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Demo of Kubernetes Federation using Minikube & CoreDNS

0. Prerequisites

1. Clone this repo

The repo stores a few configuration files and the k8s yaml for a sample federated app

git clone
cd ./minikube-federation

2. Create the minikube cluster

This cluster will store the federation api/controller, etcd v2 and coredns.

minikube start -p minikube
2.1 deploy etcd v2 to the minikube cluster

etcd is used by a federation plugin to write dns records.

kubectl run etcd --env="ETCD_LISTEN_CLIENT_URLS=" --env="ETCD_ADVERTISE_CLIENT_URLS=http://etcd.default:2379" --port=2379 --expose --context=minikube
service "etcd" created
deployment "etcd" created
2.2 deploy coredns to the minikube cluster

We'll install and configure coredns using helm. coredns then reads from etcd as its dnszone configuration.

helm init --kube-context minikube

Wait until helm version works.

Client: &version.Version{SemVer:"v2.6.1", GitCommit:"bbc1f71dc03afc5f00c6ac84b9308f8ecb4f39ac", GitTreeState:"clean"}
Server: &version.Version{SemVer:"v2.6.1", GitCommit:"bbc1f71dc03afc5f00c6ac84b9308f8ecb4f39ac", GitTreeState:"clean"}

Inspect the coredns-values.yaml file to see how coredns is configured to obtain dns records from etcd.

cat ./coredns-values.yaml

Install coredns using helm.

helm install --namespace default --name coredns --kube-context minikube -f ./coredns-values.yaml stable/coredns

Verify that coredns is running

kubectl get svc,pods -l app=coredns-coredns --context=minikube
NAME                               READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
coredns-coredns-5985d8488f-wm67q   1/1       Running   0          1m

3. Start additional minikube clusters

3.1 These clusters will be joined to federation and receive objects from the federation controllers.

On MacOSX you must use dind (docker in docker) to setup other cluster

minikube start -p us
minikube start -p europe

Optional: Disable the dashboard on all clusters to save CPU

minikube addons disable dashboard -p minikube
minikube addons disable dashboard -p us
minikube addons disable dashboard -p europe
3.2 label zones & regions on the nodes (cloud provider magic)
kubectl label node us --context=us
kubectl label node europe --context=europe
3.3 Add configmap objects used by federated ingress.

The uid is normally globally unique.

kubectl create configmap ingress-uid --from-literal=uid=us1 -n kube-system --context=us
kubectl create configmap ingress-uid --from-literal=uid=europe1 -n kube-system --context=europe

4. Setup and Configure Federation

4.1 Start the Federation API and Controller

Notice that the dns provider config is passed in from the local file coredns-provider.conf.

kubefed init myfed --host-cluster-context=minikube --dns-provider="coredns" --dns-zone-name="myzone." --api-server-service-type=NodePort --api-server-advertise-address=$(minikube ip -p minikube) --apiserver-enable-basic-auth=true --apiserver-enable-token-auth=true --apiserver-arg-overrides="--anonymous-auth=true,--v=4" --dns-provider-config="./coredns-provider.conf"

Show the federation api and controller running on minikube

kubectl get pods --context=minikube -n federation-system

Check the federation controller logs

kubectl logs -l module=federation-controller-manager --context=minikube -n federation-system

They should look similar to this

controllermanager.go:93] v1.8.0
clustercontroller.go:63] Starting cluster controller
coredns.go:67] Using CoreDNS DNS provider
controllermanager.go:263] horizontalpodautoscalers controller disabled because API Server does not have required resources
servicecontroller.go:238] Starting federation service controller
dns.go:131] Starting federation service dns controller
controller.go:104] Starting federated sync controller for namespace resources
controller.go:104] Starting federated sync controller for replicaset resources
controller.go:104] Starting federated sync controller for secret resources
controller.go:104] Starting federated sync controller for configmap resources
controller.go:104] Starting federated sync controller for daemonset resources
controller.go:104] Starting federated sync controller for deployment resources
controllermanager.go:263] jobs controller disabled because API Server does not have required resources
ingress_controller.go:314] Starting Ingress Controller
ingress_controller.go:316] ... Starting Ingress Federated Informer
ingress_controller.go:318] ... Starting ConfigMap Federated Informer
4.2 change client to the federation api & create the default namespace
kubectl config use-context myfed
kubectl create ns default
4.3 join the us & europe clusters to the federation controller
kubefed join us --host-cluster-context=minikube
kubefed join europe --host-cluster-context=minikube
4.4 label the clusters

These labels are not required but can be used by the cluster selector or OPA policies.

kubectl label cluster us environment=test location=us pciCompliant=false
kubectl label cluster europe environment=prod location=europe pciCompliant=true

view the labels and make sure the clusters go to a Ready state

kubectl get clusters -L environment -L location -L pciCompliant
europe    Ready     1m        prod          europe     true
us        Ready     1m        test          us         false

5 Launch APP and Explore

5.1 Start a Federated APP

Inspect the contents of hello.yaml.

A special annotation has been added to the service object to identify these endpoints to federation. This is required in order to tell the federation controller to add these records to etcd (which are then read by coredns)

Apply the yaml to the federation API.

kubectl apply -f ./hello.yaml --context=myfed

check for objects in each cluster

kubectl get svc,rs,po,ing --context=us
kubectl get svc,rs,po,ing --context=europe

check for dns records

kubectl run -it --rm --restart=Never --image=infoblox/dnstools:latest dnstools --context=minikube

You should see a command prompt of dnstools#

Execute a DNS query and exit

dnstools# nslookup hello.default.myfed.svc.myzone coredns-coredns.default

Name: hello.default.myfed.svc.myzone
Name: hello.default.myfed.svc.myzone
dnstools# exit
pod default/dnstools terminated (Error)

Notice that both of the cluster endpoints are registered in DNS

5.2 Scale up
kubectl scale rs/hello --replicas=3

Check that the total count is now 3 across the clusters

kubectl get rs,po --context=us
kubectl get rs,po --context=europe
5.2 Select by labels w/ the cluster-selector

Inspect the contents of hello-selector.yaml. Notice the additional annotation for

Apply the yaml to the federation API.

kubectl apply -f ./hello-selector.yaml

verify that all replicas are now running in europe because that cluster has labels matching the selector

kubectl get rs,po --context=us
kubectl get rs,po --context=europe


Remove federation components from the minikube context and delete the other minikube clusters.

kubectl delete ns federation-system --context=minikube
minikube stop -p minikube
minikube delete -p us
minikube delete -p europe

Optional: nuke minikube cluster

minikube delete -p minikube